J-GLOBAL ID:200901027004236860
Update date: Oct. 30, 2024 Nihei Ken-ichi
ニヘイ ケンイチ | Nihei Ken-ichi
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://agri.mine.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/hpj/deptj/chemj/npc/index.htm Research field (2):
Molecular biochemistry
, Bioorganic chemistry
Research keywords (5):
, 酵素阻害剤
, 構造決定
, 有機合成
, 天然物有機化学
Papers (98): -
Scoliidines: Neuroprotective peptides in solitary scoliid wasp venoms. Toxins. 2024. 16. 446
Temporal dynamics of N-hydroxypipecolic acid and salicylic acid pathways in the disease response to powdery mildew in wheat. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2024. 734. 150624
Mizuki Makita, Ken-ichi Nihei. Total synthesis of nepodin and torachrysone glucosides: Evidence for naturally occurring L-glucosides. Tetrahderon Letters. 2024. 146. 155191
Ryo Shimakage, Takehiro Iwadate, Ken-ichi Nihei. A natural diphenolic glucoside, sonnerphenolic C: Chemical synthesis, structural revision, redox transformation, and identification as an antioxidant. Tetrahedron. 2024. 158. 134001
Jing Wu, Kazuki Uchida, Aoto Yoshikawa, Masaru Hashimoto, Mitsuru Kondo, Kenichi Nihei, Mizuki Ishii, Jae-Hoon Choi, Yukihiro Miwa, Chiho Shoda, et al. “Fruiting liquid” of mushroom-forming fungi, a novel source of bioactive compounds - Fruiting-body inducer and HIF and Axl inhibitors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023. 71. 13338-13345
more... MISC (4): - 二瓶賢一, 岩舘丈央. メグスリノキと化学合成ー立体認識型のチロシナーゼ阻害剤をつくるー. 化学と生物. 2020. 58. 10. 555-561
Isao Kubo, Kuniyoshi Shimizu, Ken-ichi Nihei. Maniçoba, a quercetin rich amazonian dish: Antioxidative prospects. Quercetin: Dietary Sources, Functions and Health Benefits. 2012. 129-154
Isao Kubo, Ken-ichi Nihei, Tae Joung Ha, Teruhiko Nitoda, Noriyoshi Masuoka. Antioxidants from arnica, a Mexican medicinal plant Heterotheca inuloides. Recent Developments in Medicinal Plant Research. 2007. 193-216
Isao Kubo, Ken-ichi Fujita, Ken-ichi Nihei, Aya Kubo. Molecular design of multifunctional anti-Salmonella agents based on natural products. Advances in Phytomedicine. 2006. 2. 353-372
Patents (6): Return to Previous Page