J-GLOBAL ID:200901027063352989
Update date: Apr. 03, 2024
Yoshimura Izumi
ヨシムラ イヅミ | Yoshimura Izumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (4):
Foreign language education
, Aesthetic practices
, Aesthetics and art studies
, Sociology
Research keywords (6):
, 映画史
, 視覚文化論
, Practical English
, American film in a cultural context
, Communication studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2014 - 2017 英国サイレント映画の社会史的研究
- American film from Gender perspective
- Image Arts and Communication
Papers (10):
Izumi Yoshimura. Animation and the War Saving Certificate: British Propaganda Films Produced for the Home Front during the First World War. EIZOGAKU, Japanese Journal of Image Arts and Sciences. 2020. 103. 54-71
YOSHIMURA Izumi. Cinema Meets Social Purity: British Film Censorship and the National Council of Public Morals. EIZOUGAKU: Japanese Journal of Image Arts and Sciences. 2018. 通巻. 100. 53-72
YOSHIMURA Izumi. 'Facials' as a Genre: Facial Expressions in British Silent Films. Journal of Japanese Academy of Facial Studies. 2016. 16. 2. 25-33
YOSHIMURA, Izumi. The Britishness Captured by R.W. Paul: Subjects of Non-Fiction Films in England, 1896-1900. Bulletin. 2015. 40. 11-24
YOSHIMURA Izumi. Film Control in England: Regulations and Laws Relating and Leading to The Cinematograph Act of 1909. BULLETIN. 2013. 38. 1-9
MISC (11):
Izumi Yoshimura. 書評:福島可奈子著『混淆する戦前の映像文化ー幻燈・玩具映画・小型映画』. The Japan Soceity for Cinema Studies (JSCS) Newsletter. 2023. 70. 2-5
Izumi Yoshimura. 身体に刻印されたイギリス -『ナショナル・ギャラリー 英国の至宝』を観る. Poetry and Criticism EUREKA. 2021. 53-15. 783. 170-176
YOSHIMURA Izumi. Book Review: Macho Ni Naritai?. Cine Mazazinet!. 2011. 28
YOSHIMURA Izumi. How did Her Face Represent Politics?: Setsuko Hara in Aoi Sanmyaku and the Image of Postwar Democracy. Journal of Japanese Academy of Facial Studies. 2011. 11. 1. 180
YOSHIMURA Izumi. Book Review :Projecting Politics: Political Messages in American Films. ICOMICS. 2006. 77. 77. 90-93
Books (8):
政府と映画の密なる関係 -英国、フィルム・タグの主題と語りの特徴について
ミネルヴァ書房 2023 ISBN:9784623095438
ミネルヴァ書房 2019
ミネルヴァ書房 2011
勉誠出版 2004
勉誠出版 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
The British Film Censorship and Unwanted Diseases
(The Japan Society for Cinema Studies 2016)
'Facials' as a Genre: Facial Expressions in British Silent Films
(Forum Kaogaku 2015 2015)
R. W. ポールが捉えた英国 -イギリス初期映画の題材について
(日本映像学会中部支部第三回研究会 2015)
Film Control in England: BBFC and Controlled Films
(Japan Society for Cinema Studies 2012)
(日本顔学会中部支部研究会 2011)
Education (5):
- - 2000 名古屋大学大学院 国際開発研究科 博士(後期)課程 国際コミュニケーション専攻
- - 2000 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of International Development
- - 1997 名古屋大学大学院 国際開発研究科博士(前期)課程 国際コミュニケーション専攻
- - 1984 Nanzan University
- - 1984 Nanzan University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
- Master of Arts (Nagoya University)
Awards (2):
- 2015/09 - Japanese Academy of Facial Studies Harashima Award 2015
- 2015/06 - 愛知県 愛知県環境保全推進功労
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本映画学会
, 日本映像学会
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