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J-GLOBAL ID:200901027505777402   Update date: Sep. 28, 2022

Hagiwara Akiko

ハギワラ アキコ | Hagiwara Akiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Lecturer
Research field  (4): Foreign language education ,  Japanese language education ,  Japanese linguistics ,  Linguistics
Research keywords  (5): English for Scientific Communication ,  外国語教授法 ,  語用論 ,  Foreign Language Pedagogy ,  Pragmatics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • ESP教育
  • 中間言語語用論
  • Interlanguage Pragmatics
MISC (17):
  • Developing a profiling tool for English language texts on life sciences: compilation of a bioscience corpus and its application. The Journal of Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science. 2009. 12. 12. 11-17-17
  • 萩原明子, 宮川峰郎. 語彙テストを使用した学生の英語語彙習得に関する研究. 東京薬科大学研究紀要. 2008. 11. 1-7
  • Analyzing scientific English: the words that every student of life sciences should know. The Journal of Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science. 2007. 10. 10. 1-7
  • 日本語での発話理解:第2言語話者と母語話者. 東京薬科大学研究紀要. 2006. 9. 1-7
  • 萩原 明子, 高橋 哲, 畑 奈保子. コーパスを利用した生命科学語彙リストと頻出語彙の用法. 東京薬科大学研究紀要. 2005. 8. 8. 25-32
Books (2):
  • “Comprehending utterances in Japanese as a foreign language: Formulaicity and literality.” In Naoko Taguchi ed., Pragmatic Competence
    Mouton De Gruyter 2009 ISBN:9783110218541
  • Comprehending utterances in Japanese as a first and a second language: Literality and conventionality
    ProQuest Digital Dissertations and Theses 2005
Lectures and oral presentations  (19):
  • Formulaic Sequences Used in Scientific Writing: Are Japanese Scientists Weaker Communicators?
    (2014.3. American Association for Applied Linguistics 2014 Conference 2014)
  • Multi-dimensional collaboration using Moodle
    (The 38th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition 2012)
  • Multilingualism in Tokyo: Balancing exoticism and accessibility
    (Sociolinguistics Symposium 19 2012)
  • Pragmatics of scientific communication
    (The 37th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition 2011)
  • JACET 8000 for Scientific English Instruction: Level 4 Words are the Key
    (JACET 50th International Commemorative Convention 2011)
Works (2):
  • The Request Realization Patterns in Japanese : a Pragma Linguistic Study
    1993 -
  • Indexical Politeness and Patterns of Request in Japanese
    1992 -
Professional career (2):
  • Master of Arts
  • Doctor of Philosophy (ハワイ大学マノア校(アメリカ))
Association Membership(s) (8):
日本語教育学会 ,  メディア教育学会 ,  大学英語教育学会 ,  社会言語科学会 ,  全国語学教育学会 ,  Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages ,  International Pragmatics Association ,  Association of Teachers of Japanese
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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