J-GLOBAL ID:200901028198923494
Update date: Aug. 09, 2022
Katsumi Yoshio
カツミ ヨシオ | Katsumi Yoshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research keywords (4):
, 数学
, 算数
, metacognition
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 数学教育におけるメタ認知の研究
- Metacognition in Mathematics Education
MISC (9):
算数・数学における教材開発. 皇學館大学教育学会年報. 2001. 23号1~9頁
算数科授業研究の視点-内容的視点と方法的視点-. 皇學館大学教育学会年報. 2000. 22
The Aspect of the Research on Classroom Teaching in Elementary School Mathematics : Substantial Aspect and Methodological Aspect. Annual Report of Educationl Researches. 2000. 22
算数科授業における個別学習観察と授業改善. 日本数学教育学会誌. 1998. 80. 2. 2-5
Observation of Individual Learning in Lessons for Elementary School Mathematics and Improvement of the Lessons. Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. 1998. 80. 2. 2-5
Education (4):
- - 1984 Hyogo University of Teacher Education
- - 1984 Hyogo University of Teacher Education Graduate School, Division of School Education
- - 1979 Nara University of Education Undergraduate of Education
- - 1979 Nara University of Education Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Hyogo University of Teacher Education)
Committee career (1):
- 2005 - 日本数学教育学会 算数教育編集部幹事
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 全国数学教育学会
, 日本数学教育学会
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