J-GLOBAL ID:200901029378183657
Update date: Sep. 10, 2024 Shin Yongcheol
シン ヨンチヨル | Shin Yongcheol
Affiliation and department: Research field (4):
International relations
, International relations
, Politics
, Politics
Research keywords (7):
Civil Service System in East Asia
, 韓国の自治行政
, 行政文化論
, 比較自治行政研究
, 政策研究
, 行政学
, 政治学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2011 - 2013 The formation and the change of administrative culture in East Asia
- 2009 - 2011 The demographic onus effects on local economies and societies
Papers (62): -
SHIN Yongcheol. Research on the current status and issues of municipal DX plans in Yamanashi Prefecture - Analysis of web questionnaires for 27 municipalities -. Yamanashi glocal studies. 2023. 18. 19-32
SHIN YONGCHEOL. Formation and Characteristics of Special Metropolis Exceptions and Special Autonomy Systems in South Korea-Focusing on the Introduction of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Sejong Cities, and Special City-. 2023. 49. 1. 24-50
SHIN YONGCHEOL. Revision and Characteristics of the Referendum Law in South Korea: Focusing on Requirements for Counting Ballots, Electronic Signatures, and Local Suffrage for Foreign Residents. 2022. 48. 8. 20-39
SHIN YONGCHEOL. Public Service Human Resources in Yamanashi Prefecture in 2040 : Based on Changes in the Number of General Administrative Staff in the Past 20 Years. Yamanashi glocal studies : bulletin of Faculty of Glocal Policy Management and Communications. 2022. 17. 11-23
SHIN YONGCHEOL. The Political Process of Restoring the Right to Organize Firefighters and the Establishment of Trade Unions in South Korea. 2022. 48. 2. 17-43
more... Books (9): - 住民参加・住民投票を考える
成文堂 2024 ISBN:9784792392888
- 現代日本の公務員人事 : 政治・行政改革は人事システムをどう変えたか : 稲継裕昭先生還暦記念
第一法規 2019 ISBN:9784474065895
- 公務員制度改革という時代
啓文堂 2017
- 東アジアの公務員制度
法政大学現代法研究所,法政大学出版局 (発売) 2013 ISBN:9784588630361
- アジアの中の日本官僚、歴史と現在
勉誠出版 2011 ISBN:9784585230083
more... Lectures and oral presentations (33): -
Fluctuations in the electoral system: Strengthening political literacy among young people
Characteristics and reforms of the civil service system in South Korea
Structural Innovation in Academic Curriculum in Yamanashi Prefectural University
(The 1st Global Education Innovation International Symposium 2023)
(第17回立正大学法学部・法制研究所シンポジウム「住民参加・住民投票制度を考える」 2022)
(消防庁・自治労合同研究会 2022)
more... Education (2): - 1998 - 2002 法政大学大学院 社会科学研究科政治学専攻博士後期課程
- 1996 - 1998 Hosei University Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences
Professional career (1): Work history (6): Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page