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J-GLOBAL ID:200901029625439830   Update date: Aug. 26, 2020

Masuyama Keiichi

マスヤマ ケイイチ | Masuyama Keiichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Lecturer
Research field  (1): Machine materials and mechanics
Research keywords  (8): Ultrafine-grained ,  High Pressure Tosion ,  Severe plastic deformation ,  Mechanical Alloying ,  粉体 ,  粉末冶金 ,  powder ,  Powder Metallurgy
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • フラーレンと金属粉末のメカニカルアロイング過程とその金属組織学的研究
  • hBN粉末のメカニカルミリング過程
  • Mechanical Alloying of Fullerene with Metal Powders and their Metallographic Study
  • Mechanical Milling of hBN powder
Papers (15):
MISC (12):
  • フラーレンを添加した金属材料の創製とその特性 「(共著)」. 季刊フラーレン. 1997. 5. 2. 111-123
  • Mechanical Alloying of various Metal Elements with Fullerene (共著). Int. symposium on Designing Processing and Properties Advanced Engineering materials ISAEM-97, Oct, 29-31, Toyohashi, Abstructs. 1997. 90
  • Mechanical Alloying of Fullerene with various Metal Elements 「(共著)」. Int. Materials Research Congress Cancun '97, Mexico, Sep. 1st. -4th. Abstructs. 1997. 5-6
  • Produce of metal-Fullerene materials and their properties. A quarterly magazine of Fullerene. 1997. 5. 2. 111-123
  • フラーレン(C60,C70)と金属粉末(M=Al,Cu,Fe)とのメカニカルアロイング. 粉体および粉末冶金. 1996. 43. 6. 731-737
Books (1):
  • Plasma activated Sintering(PAS)of β-Fe(Mn)si(Al)2 prepared by Mechanical Alloying(MA)
    Sintering 95 Sintering Technology Ed. German Messing Cornwall 1996
Lectures and oral presentations  (11):
  • 高圧ねじり(HPT)加工機の製作と純銅粉末固化成形体の機械的特性におよぼすねじり速度の影響
    (2018年度 日本設計工学会 春季大会研究講演会 2018)
  • 高圧ねじり加工を利用した粉末の固化成形法に関する基礎研究
    (おおた研究・開発フェアー産学連携・新技術展 2016)
  • HPT加工を利用した銅粉末の固化成形法に関する基礎研究
    (とやま産学官金交流会2015,11.25,富山国際会議場 2015)
  • Mechanical properties of Cu powder consolidated by High Pressure Torsion Device Through the Use of Amsler Universal Testing Machine
    (IEEE 7th International Conference on Engineering Education(ICEED), Nov.18, 2015, KANAZAWA, Japan 2015)
  • 衝突過熱水蒸気噴流を用いた光ファイバのリサイクルに関する研究
    (日本伝熱学会北陸信越支部 2015年度秋季セミナー (信州大学) 2015)
Works (4):
  • フラーレンを添加した金属材料の創製と評価
    1995 -
  • The creation and valuation of the carbone Fullerene doped Materials using Mechanical Alloying
    1995 -
  • Al-Ti系粉末のメカニカルアロイングとその固化成形
    1990 -
  • Mechanical Alloying of Al-Ti systems and their Consolidation
    1990 -
Education (4):
  • - 1990 Toyohashi University of Technology
  • - 1990 Toyohashi University of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  • - 1988 Toyohashi University of Technology Faculty of Engineering
  • - 1988 Toyohashi University of Technology Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (3):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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