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J-GLOBAL ID:200901029715319078   Update date: Jul. 17, 2024

Kumazawa Takaki

クマザワ タカアキ | Kumazawa Takaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Others
Research field  (3): Educational psychology ,  Education - general ,  Foreign language education
Research keywords  (4): Second Language Acquisition ,  Language Testing ,  TESOL ,  Applied Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2016 - 2020 Developing English reading diagnostic test and evaluating its test score validity
  • 2016 - 2020 Current Practices and Issues in Japan's English Curriculum Reforms
  • -
MISC (20):
  • Development and Validation of a Psychometric Scale based on Self-determination Theory. 2022. 48. 1. 1-12
  • 熊澤 孝昭. Reliability of in-house placement test scores. 関東学院教養論集 = Journal of arts and sciences. 2019. 29. 73-85
  • KUMAZAWA Takaaki, SHIZUKA Tetsuhito, MOCHIZUKI Masamichi, MIZUMOTO Atsushi. Validity argument for the VELC Test® score interpretations and uses. Language Testing in Asia. 2016. 6. 2. 1-18
  • KUDO Mitsuru, MIZUMOTO Atsushi, KUMAZAWA Takaaki. Validation of a Vocabulary Learning Strategy Scale and Its Relationship to Vocabulary Level Test Scores. Asian journal of English language teaching. 2015. 25. 81-111
  • 熊澤 孝昭. Evaluating Validity for In-House Placement Test Score Interpretations and Uses. JALT journal. 2013. 35. 1. 73-100
Books (4):
  • Systematic criterion-referenced test development in an English-language program
    UMI Dissertation Services 2011
  • Ambitions Beginners
  • 言語研究と量的アプローチ
  • Ambitions Elementary
Professional career (3):
  • Master of Education (Temple University)
  • Doctor of Education (Temple University)
  • Bachelor of Arts (La Salle University)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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