J-GLOBAL ID:200901029716510880
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Saika Yohei
サイカ ヨウヘイ | Saika Yohei
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Statistical science
Research keywords (4):
, 情報科学
, statistical mechanics
, information science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): - 2016 - 2020 Study on correspondence between synchronization-desynchronization transition in phase oscillator network and phase transition in classical XY model, and unification theory
- 2015 - 2019 Development of Collaborative Workspace System Using Hand Gesture
- 2006 - 2009 Probabilistic information processing and statistical mechanics of information by optimal controlling of quantum fluctuation
- 1999 - 情報科学に対する統計力学の応用
- 1999 - Application of statistical mechanics for information science
- 1990 - 低次元量子スピン系の基底状態相転移に関する理論的研究
- 1990 - Phase Transition of Low-Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems at Zero Temperature
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Papers (5): -
Yohei Saika, Masahiro Nakagawa. Bayesian inference using the expected a posterior estimation for predicting comfort environment and effective usage of power based on thermal index via the temperature-humidity index. 2017 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Big Data Analysis, ICBDA 2017. 2017. 478-482
Saika Yohei. Statistical mechanical approach to time-series prediction. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 2751-2751
Y. Saika, K. Okamoto. Performance of generalized statistical smoothing to inverse halftoning due to human vision system. Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Interaction Sciences: IT, Human and Digital Content, ICIS 2011. 2011. 27-30
Yohei Saika, Naoyuki Tahara, Tetsuya Yamasaki. Image restoration from corrupted halftone image using the statistical mechanical iterative method. ICCAS-SICE 2009 - ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, Proceedings. 2009. 2499-2503
Jun-ichi Inoue, Yohei Saika, Masato Okada. Statistical-mechanical analysis of inverse digital-halftoning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS. 2007. 617-+
MISC (70): Lectures and oral presentations (2): -
Education (6): Professional career (1): - Doctor(Science) (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page