J-GLOBAL ID:200901030115299209
Update date: Dec. 03, 2024 Sonoda Aya
ソノダ アヤ | Sonoda Aya
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Legal theory and history
Research keywords (6):
Legal History
, Canon Law
, Anglo-American Law
, Medieval History
, History of England
, History of Europe and America
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12): - 2023 - 2026 マグナ・カルタ再考ー異法文化との接触の観点からー
- 2020 - 2023 形成期コモン・ローにおけるアングロ・サクソン法の意義-エドワードの法の創造と神話
- 2016 - 2020 近世移動学の構築-ユーラシア世界と太平洋・大西洋世界における移動の統合的分析-
- 2016 - 2019 Reconsidering the Birth of the English Common Law
- 2015 - 2019 Correspondence and Communication in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
- 2013 - 2016 The Legal Procedure of Common law and Canon Law in Twelfth Century
- 2010 - 2013 The Birth of the Jury of Presentment and the Canonical Procedure in England
- 2007 - 2010 The Birth and Development of Anglo-Norman Canon Law
- 2003 - 2007 A Comprehensive Study of Historical Sources in Medieval and Early Modern Britain : From Analysis of Historical Sources to Interpretation of History
- 2003 - 2006 The Becket Dispute Reconsidered by an Analysis of his Letters
- 2001 - 2003 The Criminal Clerks in Twelfth-Century England
Show all
Papers (7): -
苑田 亜矢. The Collections of Anglo-Saxon Legal Texts in the Manuscripts from the Norman Conquest to the Early Thirteenth Century. 法政研究. 2016. 83. 3. 696-659
SONODA Aya. The Case of St. William of York and the Judicial Practice of the Royal and Ecclesiastical Courts in Twelfth-Century England. Kumamoto Law Review. 2015. 133. 1-40
SONODA Aya. The Birth of Jury of Presentment and the Canonical Procedure in Twelfth-Cantury England. Kumamoto Law Review. 2014. 130. 195-248
SONODA Aya. The Theory of the Two Swords in England in the Later Twelfth Century. Kumamoto Law Review. 2013. 127. 241-289
Sonoda Aya. The Becket Dispute and the Theory against Double Punishment. 法制史研究 : 法制史學會年報. 2011. 61. 61. 117-150
more... MISC (17): -
苑田亜矢. 回顧と展望:中世イギリス. 史学雑誌. 2024. 133. 5. 327-331
SONODA Aya. Manuscripts and Printed Books of Leges Edwardi Confessoris dating from the Period between the Twelfth Century and the Present Day. Kumamoto-Hogaku. 2019. 147. 223-240
SONODA Aya. The Legal Procedure of the Church Courts and the Royal Courts of England in the Twelfth Century. The Historical Society of Japan. 2018. 112. 1. 107-107
河野 恵一, 宮川 麻紀, 丸本 由美子, 矢切 努, 赤城 美恵子, 柳橋 博之, 屋敷 二郎, 佐々木 健, 水野 浩二, 苑田 亜矢. 法制史 (特集 学界回顧2017). 法律時報. 2017. 89. 13. 229-242
小倉 真紀子, 河野 恵一, 丸本 由美子, 矢切 努, 赤城 美恵子, 柳橋 博之, 松本 英実, 佐々木 健, 屋敷 二郎, 苑田 亜矢. 法制史 (特集 学界回顧2016). 法律時報. 2016. 88. 13. 227-240
more... Books (9): - 西洋中世文化事典
丸善出版 2024
- スモールステップで法学入門
有信堂高文社 2021 ISBN:9784842005430
- 侠の歴史 西洋編(上)+中東編
清水書院 2020 ISBN:9784389501242
- 侠の歴史 西洋編(上)+中東編
清水書院 2020 ISBN:9784389501242
- 【図説】紋章学事典
創元社 2019 ISBN:9784422215327
more... Lectures and oral presentations (2): -
The Canon Law and the Common Law in Twelfth-Century England: The Early History of of the Grand Jury
(The Historical Society of Japan 2017)
The Church and State of England in the Twelfth Century: the Advowson and the Right of Presentation
(Japan Legal History Association: The 52nd Conference 2000)
Education (1): Professional career (2): - LL.D. (Kyushu University)
Work history (7): Association Membership(s) (5):
Japan Society for Medieval European Studies
, Selden Society
, The Haskins Society
, 日本西洋史学会
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