Research field (1):
Manufacturing and production engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (20):
2016 - 現在 Development of Light-weight structural sheet and analysis of its mechanical propeties
2015 - 現在 Development of diagnosis simulation system for estimating in-process stress distribution and fracture on drawing die during a deep drawing of low carbon steel
2014 - 現在 プラスチックフィルムの切断に関する研究
2013 - 現在 Collision behavior of board edge under drop motion
2010 - 現在 Bending stress relazation and time-dependent released behavior of creased paperboard during folding process
1995 - 現在 board diecutting
1987 - 現在 dynamic behavior of wire motion under multiple drawing
2012 - 2013 薄板精密押抜加工の高速切断への展開
1998 - 1999 Morphology of Interface near Absolute Stable Growth Rate and Crystalline Anisotropy
1996 - 1997 Knowledge acquisition and Support for Finite Element Modeling based on Case Database
1993 - 1993 放電現象を用いた材料作製法における伝熱解析
1990 - 1992 Dynamic Interactions between Snow and Machine Structures
1990 - 1992 The Research of Optimum Design Method for Materials Handling-Carrying System in Coaling Wharf
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Papers (92):
Shigeru Nagasawa, Tomoki Hosokawa. Effects of pitch length of perforation on the crease bending characteristics of a polypropylene sheet subjected to indentation of a perforation blade. AIMS Materials Science. 2022. 9. 6. 808-834
Iwahashi Taiki, Nagasawa Shigeru. Breaking behavior of laminated-glued three pieces of paperboard subjected to a shearing of punching tools. Transactions on GIGAKU. 2022. 9. 2. 09018-1-09018-1-09018-1-09018-10
Shigeo YANABE, Shigeru NAGASAWA. Distribution and change of stresses, slippage, tension, and friction forces in wound rolls (Simulation of center winding without nip). Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese). 2021. 87. 904. 21-00322-1-21-00322-18
Shigeru Nagasawa, Takaomi Nagumo, Azusa Sakamoto, Kazuki Umemoto. Relaxation Characteristics of Creasing Process of Scored Paperboard for Liquid Container. Forming the future. 2021. 1643-1653
Thepwachara Ruchirabha, Shigeru Nagasawa. Effect of Wedge Tip Thickness of Nail Clipper on Cutting Characteristics of Polystyrene Ribbon. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. 859. 1
YAMAMOTO Tetsuya, NAGASAWA Shigeru, SUZUKI Shigekazu, HINE Akira, YAMAGUCHI Daishiro. Feasibility Study of Auto-Adjustable Mechanism of Allowable Crease Forming of Paperboard Using Tapered Groove Against Unbalanced Punch Indentation. The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan. 2018. 2018. 0. J0420303
Sh Nagasawa. Engineering estimation of time-dependent deformation characteristics as bending moment relaxation and released unfolding motion of creased paperboard. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. 175. 1. 1-9
Shigeru Nagasawa. Cutting and Bending of Plastics sheet. Journal of the Japan Society of Technology for Plasticity. 2016. 57. 668. 867-872
YANABE Shigeo, NAGASAWA Shigeru. D-2-3 Effects of nip roller on wound roll stress distribution. Conference on Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment : IIP. 2016. 2016. "D-2-3-1"-"D-2-3-5"
Yamashita Masanori, Nagasawa Shigeru. 1003 Effect of laterally creased part of folded corrugated board on its compression test strength. 2016. 2016. 53. "1003-1"-"1003-5"
2016/06 - 現在 Japan Society of Technology for Plasticity Chair of Niigata area in North Kanto and Shin-etsu branch of JSTP
2016/06 - 現在 日本塑性加工学会 日本塑性加工学会北関東信越支部新潟ブロック長
2014/08 - 現在 Society of Packaging Science and Technology, Japan editorial committee member of journal of packaging science and technology, Japan
2014/08 - 現在 日本包装学会 日本包装学会誌編集委員
2010/07 - 現在 Society of Packaging Science and Technology, Japan Director of Society of packaging science and technology Japan,
2010/07 - 現在 日本包装学会 日本包装学会理事, ならびに財務委員会委員
2000/04 - 現在 日本塑性加工学会新潟地区(新潟ブロック)運営委員
2010/04 - 2012/03 日本機械学会北陸信越支部情報知能精密機器部門代議員
2002/04 - 2004/03 日本機械学会北陸信越支部商議委員
2000/04 - 2001/03 日本塑性加工学会新潟地区代議員
1992/04 - 1994/03 日本機械学会 RC112-2 研究分科会研究委員
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Awards (5):
2022/09 - Society of Packaging Science and Technology, Japan Best paper award of Journal of society of packaging science and technology, japan in 2022 Effects of Processing Conditions on Tearing Characteristics of Zipper Lines of E-Flute Corrugated Paperboard (Dependency of Length of Connecting Portions, Width of Zipper Band, Phase Shift of Dashed Lines and Tearing Velocity on Tearing Characteristics), 2021, 30(6):405-414.
2020/08 - Society of Packaging Science and Technology, Japan Achievement awords
2019/10 - The 22nd Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technology (AMPT2019 at Taipei) Achievement awards of gold watch
2018/09 - Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers JSME Materials and Processing Divison General Award (New technology and development)
2003/05 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Group Achivement Award to NASA Ames Support Team for Mars Exploration Rover Entry Descent and Landing Experimental Failure Modes and FEA of Lightweight Ceramic Ablators under Iosipescu Testing
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Society of Packaging Science and Technology, Japan
, Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, Research Group of Die Cutting Technology on Paperboard and Composite Materials