J-GLOBAL ID:200901030560762660
Update date: Aug. 26, 2022 Yuasa Hideo
ユアサ ヒデオ | Yuasa Hideo
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
Japanese Linguistics
, German Limguistics
, Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2005 - 現代ドイツ語の助動詞構文・機能動詞構文の機能論的類型論的意義に関する研究
Papers (34): -
YUASA HIDEO. "Ease of Understanding" and Actual Use in the Research into the Language--- Focus into the German Causative Construction with "lassen". Modern Times. 2018. 118. 1-25
YUASA HIDEO. An Inquiry into the "Narration" in the Modern Novels --- using the novel "Nigorie" by Ichiyo Higuchi. Modern Times. 2017. 116. 1-25
YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with inanimate subject and "lassen"ーusing examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus". Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2016. 47. 59-88
YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with human subject and "lassen" --using examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faaustus"--(Part 2). Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2015. 45. 89-116
YUASA HIDEO. How should "the Indirect Speech" of the Japanese language be defined? -using the examples of "Bocchan" by Soseki Natsume-. Modern Times. 2015. 113. 19-47
more... MISC (9): -
YUASA, Hideo. To the Status of the Dative-Complement 'ni' in Japanese in terms of the Syntactic Valency -- From a Contrastive Viewpoint --. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2006. 18, 95-102
YUASA, Hideo. Book Review: Kawasaki, Y./ Nakamura, N. / Kataoka, Y. /Yuasa, H. (ed.): Aspekts of the German Linguistics - Festschrift for Prof. Yoshihiko Nishimoto -. ドイツ文学論攷(阪神ドイツ文学会編). 2004. 46, 111-113
YUASA, Hideo. Thoughts on the Relative Pronoun -An Outlook for the Analysis of the Verbal Complement of the Japanese and the German-. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2004. 16, 55-65
YUASA, Hideo. Ferdinand de Saussure (translated by Natsue Aihara and Rei Akitsu) : The Third Lectures on the General Linguistics, based on the Notes by Emile Constantin. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2003. 15, 153-161
YUASA, Hideo. Memorandam concerning the Case Hierarchy of the Japanese Language from the viewpoint of Honorific Expressions. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2003. 15, 107-116
more... Books (10): - Access Japanese-German Dictionary
Sanshusha Publ. Co. 2012
- Access German-Japanese Dictionary. 3. Edition
Sanshusha Publ. Co. 2010
- Thinking of the German Language: A Collection of Articles on the Language
三修社 2008
- German from the Viewpoint of the Far Neighborhood. Japanese Insights into a Foreign Language. Festschrift for the 60. Birthday of Susumu Zaima.
Sauffenburg Verlag 2005
- Grammaticalization in German - from the Viewpoint of the Typology -
NEUE BEITRAEGE ZUR GERMANISTIK (日本独文学会編)、Iudicium Verlag 2004
more... Lectures and oral presentations (8): -
"Ease of Understanding" and the Frequency of Occurrence in the Research into the German Language-Focus on the Analysis of the Causative Constructions with "lassen"
(the 92. Academic Meeting of Kyoto Germanic Linguistics 2017)
On the Unreality of an Unreal Mood of the Subjunctive II
(the 73. Academic Meeting of Kyoto Germanic Linguistics 2010)
On the Type of German Constructions from the Viewpoint of the Constructions with Functional Verbs _ In Comparison with the Japanese Language_
(日本独文学会秋季研究発表会 2006)
The End-Orientation of German Verbal Components and Language Change
(Deutsch aus ferner Naehe刊行記念第1回DAFNドイツ語研究会 2005)
On the Communicative Function of the Dative-Passive
(第31回語学ゼミナール 2003)
more... Education (1): - - 1980 東京外国語大学 大学院外国語学研究科修士課程(ゲルマン系言語専攻)修了
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 阪神ドイツ文学会
, 日本独文学会
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