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J-GLOBAL ID:200901030560762660   Update date: Aug. 26, 2022

Yuasa Hideo

ユアサ ヒデオ | Yuasa Hideo
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Linguistics
Research keywords  (3): Japanese Linguistics ,  German Limguistics ,  Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2005 - 現代ドイツ語の助動詞構文・機能動詞構文の機能論的類型論的意義に関する研究
Papers (34):
  • YUASA HIDEO. "Ease of Understanding" and Actual Use in the Research into the Language--- Focus into the German Causative Construction with "lassen". Modern Times. 2018. 118. 1-25
  • YUASA HIDEO. An Inquiry into the "Narration" in the Modern Novels --- using the novel "Nigorie" by Ichiyo Higuchi. Modern Times. 2017. 116. 1-25
  • YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with inanimate subject and "lassen"ーusing examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus". Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2016. 47. 59-88
  • YUASA HIDEO. The Usage of the German Causative Constructions with human subject and "lassen" --using examples of Thomas Manns "Doktor Faaustus"--(Part 2). Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2015. 45. 89-116
  • YUASA HIDEO. How should "the Indirect Speech" of the Japanese language be defined? -using the examples of "Bocchan" by Soseki Natsume-. Modern Times. 2015. 113. 19-47
MISC (9):
  • YUASA, Hideo. To the Status of the Dative-Complement 'ni' in Japanese in terms of the Syntactic Valency -- From a Contrastive Viewpoint --. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2006. 18, 95-102
  • YUASA, Hideo. Book Review: Kawasaki, Y./ Nakamura, N. / Kataoka, Y. /Yuasa, H. (ed.): Aspekts of the German Linguistics - Festschrift for Prof. Yoshihiko Nishimoto -. ドイツ文学論攷(阪神ドイツ文学会編). 2004. 46, 111-113
  • YUASA, Hideo. Thoughts on the Relative Pronoun -An Outlook for the Analysis of the Verbal Complement of the Japanese and the German-. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2004. 16, 55-65
  • YUASA, Hideo. Ferdinand de Saussure (translated by Natsue Aihara and Rei Akitsu) : The Third Lectures on the General Linguistics, based on the Notes by Emile Constantin. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2003. 15, 153-161
  • YUASA, Hideo. Memorandam concerning the Case Hierarchy of the Japanese Language from the viewpoint of Honorific Expressions. 会誌(阪神ドイツ語学研究会編). 2003. 15, 107-116
Books (10):
  • Access Japanese-German Dictionary
    Sanshusha Publ. Co. 2012
  • Access German-Japanese Dictionary. 3. Edition
    Sanshusha Publ. Co. 2010
  • Thinking of the German Language: A Collection of Articles on the Language
    三修社 2008
  • German from the Viewpoint of the Far Neighborhood. Japanese Insights into a Foreign Language. Festschrift for the 60. Birthday of Susumu Zaima.
    Sauffenburg Verlag 2005
  • Grammaticalization in German - from the Viewpoint of the Typology -
    NEUE BEITRAEGE ZUR GERMANISTIK (日本独文学会編)、Iudicium Verlag 2004
Lectures and oral presentations  (8):
  • "Ease of Understanding" and the Frequency of Occurrence in the Research into the German Language-Focus on the Analysis of the Causative Constructions with "lassen"
    (the 92. Academic Meeting of Kyoto Germanic Linguistics 2017)
  • On the Unreality of an Unreal Mood of the Subjunctive II
    (the 73. Academic Meeting of Kyoto Germanic Linguistics 2010)
  • On the Type of German Constructions from the Viewpoint of the Constructions with Functional Verbs _ In Comparison with the Japanese Language_
    (日本独文学会秋季研究発表会 2006)
  • The End-Orientation of German Verbal Components and Language Change
    (Deutsch aus ferner Naehe刊行記念第1回DAFNドイツ語研究会 2005)
  • On the Communicative Function of the Dative-Passive
    (第31回語学ゼミナール 2003)
Education (1):
  • - 1980 東京外国語大学 大学院外国語学研究科修士課程(ゲルマン系言語専攻)修了
Professional career (1):
  • 文学修士 (東京外国語大学)
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本国際文化学会 ,  阪神ドイツ文学会 ,  日本独文学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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