J-GLOBAL ID:200901031487502481
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Shimagami Motoko
シマガミ モトコ | Shimagami Motoko
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Local studies
Research keywords (4):
Local Resource Management
, Village Autonomy
, Indonesian Studies
, Area Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2021 - 2026 焼畑による地域資源の活用と創出:日本各地の焼畑復活から描く食・森・地域の再構築
- 2020 - 2024 Sea Peoples' Aquatic Lifeways and its Long-term Resilience to Tsunami Disasters: A Comparative Study of their Social Histories in Eastern Indonesia and Southern Thailand
- 2020 - 2023 What does a cafe boom in urban Indonesia bring about to coffee growing areas?
- 2019 - 2023 Indonesian Area Studies and Reconsideration of Good Governance Framework: Analyzing Big Data
- 2016 - 2021 Revitalization of Japanese agriculture, forests, and regions by utilizing the traditional knowledge of swidden cultivation: Building a livelihood model according to regional characteristics
- 2016 - 2019 Transdisciplinary research of reduction of mercury pollution in ASGM areas, Indonesia
- 2014 - 2018 Evaluation of local knowledge from viewpoint of food security under globalization in economically rising nations in Southeast Asia
- 2011 - 2016 Practice-oriented Area Studies toward restoration of degraded Japanese forests by utilizing traditional skills and knowledge inherited from swidden cultivation
- 2008 - 2011 Relationships among stakeholders for Tropical Satoyama governance
Show all
Papers (12): MISC (12): -
島上宗子. 日本とインドネシアの農山漁村で学びあうSUIJI-SLPの試み. ハリーナ. 2019. 43. 6-7
礒村 洋之, 齋藤 暖生, 島上 宗子. 座談会 北富士から発信するコモンズの精神 (特集 新たなコモンズにむけて : 21世紀の「公共」を問う). Seeder : 種まく人 : 地球環境情報から考える地球の未来. 2012. 7. 40-51
島上宗子. 映像記録作業を通じた学びあい. JOINT. 2011. 6. 17-18
島上 宗子. インドネシア : 「村落自治」をめぐる理念と現実(パネル1「分権化時代の地方行政とガバナンス:インドネシア、フィリピン、マレーシア」,第85回研究大会報告). 東南アジア学会会報. 2011. 95. 19-19
島上宗子. いりあい・よりあい・まなびあい. 季刊里海. 2006. 創刊号. 2-4
more... Books (17): - グローバル共創人材の育成 : 愛媛銀行と愛媛大学の挑戦 = Developing global co-creation human resources : "The Aspiration" Ehime Bank and Ehime University
晃洋書房 2020 ISBN:9784771033245
- 東南アジア文化事典
丸善出版 2019 ISBN:9784621303900
- Kikigaki: Mendengar dan Menulis
INSIST Press 2016 ISBN:9786020857350
- Living landscapes connected communities : culture, environment, and change across Asia
Areca 2014 ISBN:9789675719110
- Local societies and rural development : self-organization and participatory development in Asia
Edward Elgar 2014 ISBN:9781783474370
more... Lectures and oral presentations (9): -
(第26回生態人類学会研究大会 2021)
Kikigaki Program as a Transformative Boundary Object for Stimulating Sustainable Regional Innovation through Cross-generational Urban-Rural Interaction: Case studies from Japan and Indonesia
(The 3rd International Conference of Transdisciplinary Research on Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia 2018)
Learning from Villages, Connecting Generations: Experience of Kikigaki Program, Japan
(The 3rd International Conference of Transdisciplinary Research on Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia 2018)
(東南アジア学会第94回研究大会 2015)
Learning together form communities: Audio-visual documentation as media to explore traditional ecological knowledge
(The 3rd International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere 2013)
more... Education (3): - Tsuda College Faculty of Liberal Arts
- Kyoto University
- 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科
Professional career (2): Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page