Ken Ushijima, Naoyuki Funamizu, Takako Nabeshima, Nowaki Hijikata, Ryusei Ito, Mariam Sou Dakoure, Amadou Hama Maïga, Neni Sintawardani. The concept of resources oriented agro-sanitation system and its business model. Resource-Oriented Agro-sanitation Systems: Concept, Business Model, and Technology. 2018. 3-22
NABESHIMA Takako. Political sociology of African peasants’ dynamics faced with the new technology of compost toilet: case of Burkina Faso. 9th IWA (the International Water Association) International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries. 2014. 199-211
Application of Risk Concepts to International Politics : Failure of Conflict Prevention in Rwanda. 2011. 61. 61. 35-55
Integrated Water Resources Management and World Water Policy
JSPS 2015
フランス語で広がる世界 : 123人の仲間
駿河台出版社 2004
Lectures and oral presentations (41):
Qui entre en jeu dans la communauté rurale? : le problématique et le plan du développement
近代性の克服: アフリカの文化とローカルナレッジへの偏見と差別の根源
(国際文化学会 2022)
International Symposium Chair of Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resources (GCF), Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
(Cocreation of Social System and Technological Innovation for Global Food Resource 2021)
Vulnerability and Dynamics of African Rural Community faced with Diseases: Historical Verification and Application of Global Governance for Health
(International Symposium on a Green Recovery from COVID-19 2020)
Qui entre en jeu dans la communauté rurale en Afrique ? : le problématique et le plan du développement
- 2004 パリ第一大学(Université Paris I) 政治学研究科 政治学(Science politique)
- 1999 パリ第一大学(Université Paris I) アフリカ研究DEA(DEA des Etudes africaines) 政治学専攻(Option science politique)
- 1994 The University of Tokyo
- 1994 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Law and Politics
- 1992 Sophia University Faculty of Law Department of International Legal Studies
- 1992 Sophia University Faculty of Law
- 1989 Shirayuri University Faculty of Liberal Arts
- 1989 Shirayuri College Faculty of Literature
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Professional career (3):
Doctor of Political Science
DEA of African stydy
法学修士 (東京大学)
Work history (16):
2020/04 - 現在 Hokkaido University Global Center for Food, Land and Water Resources in Research Faculty of Agriculture Professor
2019/07 - 現在 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Global Food Resource Professor
2019/04 - 現在 Hokkaido University Research Faculty of Media and Communication Professor
2019/07 - 2020/03 Hokkaido University Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education, Global Station for Food, Land and Water resources Professor
2017/04 - 2019/06 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Global Food Resource Associate Professor
2016/08 - 2019/06 Hokkaido University Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education, Global Station for Food, Land and Water resources Associate Professor
2007/04 - 2019/03 Hokkaido University Research Faculty of Media and Communication Associate Professor
2006 - 2007 言語文化部 助教授
2006 - 2007 Associate Professor
2005 - 2006 Hosei University Faculty of Law
2005 - 2006 Seisen University Faculty of Literature, Department of Global Community Studies
2006 - Shirayuri University Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of French Language and Literature
2006 - Meisei University
2004 - 駒ヶ根青年協力隊訓練所 フランス語講師
2000 - 2002 パリ国際大学都市日本館 図書室司書
1994 - 1997 在マダガスカル日本国大使 専門調査員
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Committee career (7):
2020/11 - 現在 国際開発学会 理事
2017/11 - 2020/10 国際開発学会 常任理事
2015 - 2018/11 国際開発学会記念事業『国際開発学』事典 編集幹事
2017/10 - 2018/05 日本アフリカ学会 第55回学術大会北海道大学実行委員
2014/11 - 2017/10 国際開発学会 理事
2011/04 - 2012/03 文化遺産国際協力コンソーシアム アフリカ分科会 委員
2009 - 2010 国際開発学会 第11回春季大会運営委員
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本国際文化学会
, 国際開発学会
, 日本国際政治学会
, Japan Society for International Development