J-GLOBAL ID:200901031868958619
Update date: Oct. 03, 2024 TAKEDA Ken-ichi
タケダ ケンイチ | TAKEDA Ken-ichi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): https://ktakeda008.wixsite.com/website Research field (1):
Animal production science
Research keywords (4):
Grassland management
, Animal welfare
, Applied ethology
, Animal care and management
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2020 - 2023 Automatic welfare assessment of dairy cows based on OIE code
- 2017 - 2020 Transmission patterns of wool-biting behavior in housed sheep using a social network analysis
- 2012 - 2014 Development of real-time monitoring system of grazing cattle using animal-only frequency band
- 2009 - 2011 Animal welfare assessment for some different capture methods which employed in wildlife population control activities
- 2007 - 2009 Shortening social confusion after introduction a newly cattle into a stable herd
- 2007 - 2009 放牧家畜生産におけるリモートコントロールシステムの構築
- 2003 - 2005 Development of electronic equipments for labor-saving and animal well-being management in grazing and housing cattle herd
- 2002 - 2004 ウシにおける親和的積極型個体の行動的,生理的特徴
- 2000 - 2002 Evaluation of management stress in the domestic animals by measuring behavior and heart rate variability
- 耕作放棄地へのヒツジの放牧研究
- Overall assessment of farm animal welfare at farm revel
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Papers (85): -
Yuichiroh Shiiba, Kenichi Matsushima, Ken-ichi Takeda. Effects of different concentrations of capsaicin as a wildlife damage management on initial growth of pasture grass. Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho. 2023. 94. 2. 231-234
Washio Takuya, Saijo Miki, Ito Hiroyuki, Takeda Ken-ichi, Ohashi Takumi. Meat the challenge: Segmentation and profiling of Japanese beef mince and its substitutes consumers. Meat Science. 2023. 197. No. 109047
Huricha Huricha, Kyoko Horaguchi, Yuichiroh Shiiba, Sachi Tanaka, Ken-ichi Takeda. Effects of one hour daily outdoor access on lying and sleeping postures, and immune traits of tethered cows. Animal Bioscience. 2023. 36. 7. 1143-1149
Shiiba Yuichiroh, Moizumi Yukko, Takeda Ken-ichi. Effects of distance from the feed and visual blockageto behavioral responses of sika deer (Cervus nippon)for polyethylene Intrusion prevention fence. Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho. 2023. 94. 1. 69-74
Nao Takizawa, Takuya Washio, Masamoto Fukawa, Ken-ichi Takeda, Hiroyuki Ito, Miki Saijo, and Takumi Ohashi. Human-Centered Design of Cattle Behavior Monitoring System for Grazing in Abandoned Farmland. Human Factors in Accessibility and Assistive Technology. 2022. 37. 117-124
more... MISC (1): -
遠山育, 竹田謙一, 百瀬義男, 岡田充弘, 小山泰弘. 混播永年草地および草地周辺における野生ニホンジカの土地利用. 日本草地学会誌. 2007. 53
Books (18): - Animal Welfare Science
2022 ISBN:9784812221082
- ICTによるスコアリング,スマート酪農機器導入ガイド : 期待できる効果と未来の姿;池口厚男監修
デーリィマン社 2021 ISBN:9784864530781
- 牛と人に優しい牛舎づくり,高橋圭二 監修
北海道協同組合通信社 2018 ISBN:4864530572
- 日本と世界のアニマルウェルフェア畜産 下巻 21世紀の畜産革命 -アニマルウェルフェア・フードシステムの開発-, 松木編著
養賢堂 2018 ISBN:4842505680
- ライフステージでみる牛の管理 栄養・行動・衛生・疾病(高橋俊彦・中辻浩喜・森田茂監修)
緑書房 2017
more... Lectures and oral presentations (10): -
(日本草地学会誌 2010)
(日本草地学会誌 2010)
(日本畜産学会第112回大会講演要旨 2010)
(日本畜産学会第112回大会講演要旨 2010)
(日本畜産学会第111回大会講演要旨 2009)
more... Professional career (1): - Doctor of Agriculture (Tohoku University)
Work history (8): - 2024/04/01 - Shinshu University Faculty of Agriculture Professor
- 2019/08 - Toyama Prefectual Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Research Center Livestock Research Institute Visiting researcher
- 2008/10 - Shinshu University Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor
- 2007/04 - Shinshu University Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor
- 2006/04/01 - 信州大学農学部 学内講師
- 2004/10/01 - 2005/03/31 信州大学 内地研究員(日本獣医畜産大学獣医学部獣医学科)
- 2001/04 - 2004/03 Yamanashi Prefectural Dairy Experiment Station Guest Researcher
- 2000/04/01 - Shinshu University Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor
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Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本草地学会
, 動物の行動と管理学会
, 日本畜産学会
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