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J-GLOBAL ID:200901031889331101   Update date: Dec. 05, 2023

Taniguchi Shinichi

タニグチ シンイチ | Taniguchi Shinichi
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Research field  (2): Mathematical physics and basic theory ,  Science education
Research keywords  (4): 質的研究 ,  効果測定 ,  学習支援 ,  数理工基礎教育
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2020 - 2023 数・理における科目を超えた共創的学修を基盤とする汎用的学修能力の向上効果の研究
  • 2016 - 2019 The study of "deep learning of mathematics and science" which makes a student have a high desire to learn aggressively, and deepens the learning ability
  • 2013 - 2016 Study of the improvement effect of the learning ability of the mathematics and the science
  • 2010 - 2012 Research of verification model construction for KIT typeDevelopment of learning
  • 2007 - 2009 Development of active learning type class that introduced team learning
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Papers (18):
  • Atsuhiro TSUTSUMI, Keita NISHIOKA, Takahiro KITAJIMA, Shinichi TANIGUCHI. An Attempt to Promote Understanding of Low-Understanding Topics in Statistics and Linear Algebra Classes for First-Year Students. 2023. 71. 5. 69-74
  • 堀, 晴菜;HORI, Haruna, 宮﨑, 栄治; MIYAZAKI, Eiji, 谷口, 進一;TANIGUCHI, Shinichi. 基礎化学におけるPowerPointをもちいた授業動画の作成と有益な活用方法;Creating Teaching Videos using PowerPoint and Beneficial Utilization in Fundamental Chemistry. 工学教育研究;KIT progress. 2022. 30. 107-115
  • 谷口, 進一;TANIGUCHI, Shin-ichi, 中村, 晃;Nakamura, Akira, 山岡, 英孝;YAMAOKA, Hidetaka, 木村, 竜也;KIMURA, Tatsuya, 高, 香滋;TAKA, Koji, 谷口, 哲也;TANIGUCHI, Tetsuya. 数理の深い学習における学生の意識に関する態度傾向からの分析-探索的因子分析,及び共分散構造分析による高次検証的因子分析を用いた考察-;Analysis by the Attitude Tendency for the Student's Consciousness about Deep learning in Math and Science-Consideration using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Higher Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis by Covariance Structural Analysis-. 工学教育研究;KIT progress. 2018. 26. 159-167
  • 山岡 英孝, 谷口 進一, 谷口 哲也. 概念問題を活用した深い学習の授業効果 -ピア・インストラクションを導入した微分積分学講義の実践-. KIT Progress. 2018. 26. 119-128
  • 谷口 哲也, 谷口 進一. 統計入門講義における概念問題の活用と学習の深さの分析. KIT Progress. 2018. 26. 329-338
MISC (42):
  • TSUTSUMI Atsuhiro, NISHIOKA Keita, TANIGUCHI Shinichi. 2C17 Experiments toward Finding Important Topics on Mathematics Education: Countermeasure case to improve comprehension of low-understanding topics in statistics classes for the1st grade students part2. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2019. 2019. 204-205
  • TANIGUCHI Sin-ichi, NAKAMURA Akira, YAMAOKA Hidetaka, KIMURA Tatsuya, TAKA Kouji, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya. 3F03 Analysis of The Deep Learning Attitude to The Student's Mathematics and Science: Focusing on factor analysis for heuristics. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2018. 2018. 482-483
  • YAMAOKA Hidetaka, TANIGUCHI Shin-ichi, NISHI Makoto, KUDO Tomoshige, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya. 1A04 Promotion of Deep Learning in Basic Subjects of Mathematics and Science for Engineering: Changes in the students' learning attitude in calculus class using the peer instruction. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2018. 2018. 8-9
  • TSUTSUMI Atsuhiro, NISHIOKA Keita, TANIGUCHI Shinichi. 1A06 Experiments toward Finding Important Topics on Mathematics Education: Countermeasure case to improve comprehension of low-understanding topics in statistics classes for the1st grade students. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2018. 2018. 12-13
  • TANIGUCHI Shin-ichi, NAKAMURA Akira, YAMAOKA Hidetaka, KIMURA Tatsuya, TAKA Kouji, TANIGUCHI Tetsuya. 2F08 Promotion of Deep Learning in the Subjects of Math and Science and the Evaluation Using the Rubric. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2017. 2017. 326-327
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