Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2017 - 2020 超音波マイクロバブル特性を解析するための新規プローブ分子と化学反応の開拓
2016 - 2017 低品質廃食用油からの新BDF製造システムの構築
2013 - 2016 マイクロバブル反応場に着目した高効率超音波分解技術の開発
2013 - 2015 環境改善のための有害有機物と無機物の超音波化学処理
2012 - 2014 有害有機化学物質の超音波分解
2010 - 2013 Analysis of high temperature and pressure cavitation bubbles during ultrasound irradiation and its application to reaction control
2011 - 2012 チューブ内狭空間と超音波を利用する金ナノロッドアスペクト比制御技術の開発
2005 - 2007 超音波の誘起する微小気泡反応場の物理化学の構築と水処理技術への応用
2004 - 2006 Improvement of water-dispersibility of composite nanoparticles composed of magnetic iron oxide coated with noble metal and dot formation by magnetic field.
1999 - 2001 水中有機塩素化合物の低エネルギー超音波分解
1998 - 2000 Plasma Steam Reforming of Natural Gas
1994 - Analysis of Sonochemical reactions
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Papers (157):
H. Fu, Y. Xiao, A. Abulizi, K. Okitsu, Y. Maeda, T. Ren. Surfactant-modified ZnFe2O4/CaOPS porous acid-base bifunctional catalysts for biodiesel production from waste cooking oil and process optimization. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2024. 12. 114234
Yuki Nakata, Yoshiteru Mizukoshi, Kenji Okitsu. Evaluation of H2O2, H2, and bubble temperature in the sonolysis of water and aqueous t-butanol solution under Ar: effects of solution temperatures and inorganic additives of NaCl and KI. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2024. 111. 107146
Shengyan Wang, Jiansheng Tian, Abulikemu Abulizi, Kenji Okitsu. One-dimensional biomass-based carbon nanotubes loaded with MoS2 as catalysts for the electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2024. 177. 108368
Fu, H., Xiao, Y., Abulizi, A., Okitsu, K., Ren, T. Diethanolamine-functionalized BiOI hollow microspheres with negative conduction bands maximize the visible light photocatalytic performance for CO2 reduction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024. 984. 173882
Suzuki Seiya, Matsuo Kosaku, Nanzai Ben, Okitsu Kenji. P27 Sonochemical degradation of cation surfactants at the interface of cavitation bubbles. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Sonochemistry. 2017. 26. 73-74