Research keywords (5):
Protection Adovocacy
, Community Care
, Long-term Care Insuranse
, Community Based Welfare
, 地域福祉, コミュニティケア, 介護保険事業, 権利擁護支援
Papers (31):
Strategic Management Required for the Autonomous Operation of Advocacy Support Centers: From Joint Research on the Operation the Owari-Tobu Advocacy Support Center. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN JAPAN. 2022
Policy Development Regarding Advocacy and Issues of Social and Community Welfare: Toward the Realization of Two Forms of Participation of the Concerned People. SOCIL WELFARE STUDIES. 2021. 142. 23-35
Supporting People Living in Poverty to Gain Self-reliance and Incorporating the Supporting System in City Local Authorities : Comparative Study of Performance of City Local Authorities in Shiga Prefecture. 2016. 134. 91-106