2012 - 2015 A Life course study of high school teachers in isolated districts of Hokkaido
2010 - 2012 A study about improvement of vocational counseling / a career education for the social independence that place the focus on local non-elite young people
2008 - 2011 Community Regeneration in Peripheral Area in the Developed Countries and Building the Models of Planning Lifelong Learning
2008 - 2010 Synthetic research on supporting for youth with special needs education
2005 - 2008 General Study on the Change of Local Community and Life in the Region Where Many Foreigners Live
1998 - 2001 Positive research on the social change in local community by settling of foreigners
1995 - 1997 The Industrial Organisation, the Social Organisation of Work and Workers in the Automobile Industry
1993 - 1995 Endogenous development and youth education in Japan, Italy and Russia : based on educational sociological and socio pedagogical researches at non heavy-industrialized regions.
1992 - Self-organization of Work System,the Relation between Education and Vocational Training
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Papers (30):
Kazuyuki ASAKAWA. Consideration of Teaching Program Evaluation of Students Completing Open-System Teaching Programs. Annual Report on Teacher Education in Hokkaido University. 2022. 12. 1-45
The Beginning of University Life in the "Corona Disaster". Annual Report on Teacher Education in Hokkaido University. 2021. 11. 1-25
The problem of idea and practice for "Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study". Annual Report on Teacher Education in Hokkaido University. 2020. 10. 1-71
Research Report of Taiki Middle School. 2021. 1-73
Report on the implementation of the special lecture for those who shortened the period of educational training in 2020. Annual Report on Teacher Education in Hokkaido University. 2021. 11. 43-79
篠原 岳司, 村越 含博, 佐貫 浩, 浅川 和幸. 北海道教育学会・日本教育学会北海道地区共催シンポジウムの記録 北海道の教育 : 変革の展望-Report of Hokkaido Joint Symposium (March 2017) Education in Hokkaido : For the Prospects of Reform (Hokkaido Society for the Study of Education and Japanese Educational Research Association). 教育学の研究と実践 / 北海道教育学会学会誌編集委員会 編. 2019. 13. 19-44
2022/04 - 2024/03 Hokkaido University Faculty of Education
2014/04 - 2021/03 Hokkaido University Faculty of Education
2007/04 - 2014/03 北海道大学(教育学研究院) 准教授
2004/08 - 2007/03 北海道大学(教育学研究科) 助教授
2000/04 - 2004/07 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Education
1993/03 - 2000/03 Hokkaido University School of Education
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Committee career (4):
2009/04 - 2014/03 北海道教育学会 編集委員会事務局長
2009/10 - 2013/09 日本教育社会学会 研究活動委員会
2009 - 2011 日本教育社会学会 理事
2010/08 - 北海道教育学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本教育社会学会
, 日本労働社会学会
, 日本産業教育学会
, Society for The Study of Social Policy
, The Japanese Association of Labor Sociology
, The Japan Sociological Society