J-GLOBAL ID:200901033323267140
Update date: Oct. 15, 2024 Nishimura Junko
ニシムラ ジュンコ | Nishimura Junko
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Papers (12): -
NISHIMURA, Junko, BAE, Jihey, TOMA, Kota. The division of domestic labor during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: The importance of time and resources. Sociological Theory and Methods. 2022. 37. 1. 90-105
NISHIMURA Junko. A few points to consider about Japan's work-family policies. Annals of Family Studies. 2022. 47. 29-41
NISHIMURA Junko. Work-family policies and women’s job mobility: Emerging divides in female workforce in Japan. Contemporary Social Science. 2022. 17. 4. 353-367
NISHIMURA Junko. Educational Gradient in Parental Involvement: Time Allocation in Paid Work, Housework, and Parent-Child Activities. Japanese Sociological Review. 2022. 72. 4. 522-539
NISHIMURA Junko. Domestic Help and the Gender Division of Domestic Labor during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Gender Inequality among Japanese Parents. Japanese Journal of Sociology. 2022. 31. 1. 67-85
more... MISC (18): -
西村 純子. 「就業変化とディストレス-出産・育児期の女性についてのパネルデータ分析」. 家族研究年報. 2006. 31. 29-41
Employment Transition and Psychological Distress: Panel Data Analysis on Women in Childbearing/ Child-care Stage. 2006. 31. 29-41
The Impact of Work on Family--Sources of Family Life Strain among Japanese Women in Post Child-Care Stage. Meisei University research bulletin of sociology. 2006. 26. 73-84
The Impact of Work on Family: Sources of Family Life Strain among Japanese Women in Post Child-Care Stage. 2006. 26. 73-84
Nishimura Junko. The Impact of Work on Family:Sources of Strain in Family Life among Women in the Post-childcare Stage. KASYA. 2005. 17. 1. 25-33
more... Books (10): - 『ポスト育児期の女性と働き方-ワーク・ファミリー・バランスとストレス』
慶應義塾大学出版会 2009
- Returning to the Labor Force: Work-Family-Balance and Stress of Japanese Women
University of Keio Press 2009
- 『現代日本人の家族-NFRJからみたその姿』
有斐閣 2009
- Families in Comtenporary Japan: Views from National Family Research Japan
Yuuhikaku 2009
- 『現代日本の社会意識-家族・子ども・ジェンダー』
慶應義塾大学出版会 2005
more... Lectures and oral presentations (14): -
Human Resources, Household Economy, Social Support, and Women’s Employment in the U.S. and Japan
(104th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2009)
Socioeconomic Status and Mental Health in East Asia
(International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, 2009 Summer Meeting 2009)
Socioeconomic Status and Mental Health in East Asia
(International Workshop on Family Structure and Relations: Collaborative Exploation of Micro-level Data Sets in Japan, China, and Korea 2009)
Women’s Employment and Mental Health: Japanese Women in Child-Care Stage
(International Sociological Association Research Committee 28, 2009 Spring Meeting 2009)
(第47回数理社会学会大会 2009)
more... Works (2): -
2009 -
Research in trend in women's re-entering the labor force and their work-life-balance in Japan
2009 -
Work history (4): - 2006 - 2007 Meisei University School of Humanities, Department of Sociology
- 2007 - - 明星大学人文学部 人間社会学科 准教授
- 2003 - 2006 Meisei University School of Humanities, Department of Sociology
- 2002 - 2003 Meisei University School of Humanities
Committee career (1): - 2023/09 - 現在 日本社会学会 研究活動委員会 委員
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