University of Yamanashi Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Faculty of Education, Human Science (Advanced Studies on Transforming Educational Practice)
About University of Yamanashi Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research Faculty of Education, Human Science (Advanced Studies on Transforming Educational Practice)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2018 - 2021 特殊関数と代数幾何
2015 - 2018 代数曲線、K3曲面、アーベル多用体の総合的研究
2012 - 2015 Hermite上半空間を周期領域にもつK3曲面の族の研究
2010 - 2012 Hessian K3曲面を利用した3次曲面のモジュライの研究
2007 - 2009 アーベル多様体の代数幾何学的・数論的研究と暗号理論への応用
2004 - 2007 Abel多様体の周辺
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Papers (9):
On cubic fourfolds with an inductive structure. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. 2022. 150. 9. 3757-3769
Yoshiaki Goto, Kenji Koike. Picard-Vessiot groups of Lauricella's hypergeometric system E_C and Calabi-Yau varieties arising integral representations. Journal of London mathematical society. 2020. 102. 1. 22-42