J-GLOBAL ID:200901034326870323
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Tomobe Ken'ichi
トモベ ケンイチ | Tomobe Ken'ichi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Economic history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2022 - 2027 Quantitative Analysis of Household Economy by constructing the Database from Household Financial Diaries
- 2020 - 2024 The effects of urbanization and industrialization of child health in modern Japan: from infant and child mortality and height growth
- 2019 - 2022 Historical Changes in the Standard of Living and Socioeconomic Structures in Japan: Perspectives from Household Financial Diaries
- 2016 - 2020 The anthropometric history of school boys and girls and its historical analysis of socio-economic factors in modern rural Japan
- 2013 - 2016 Constructing the data analysis system for mortality in proto-industrial Japan
- 2012 - 2016 Living environments, infant mortality and disease in modern Japan
- 2008 - 2011 Infant mortality and maternity in the age of industrialization and urbanization
- 2002 - 2006 Research on risk communication and management based on the CRONOS authoring tool
- 2001 - 2004 Population and economy of local towns in early modern Japan
- 1999 - 2003 Asian Financial Crisis and Macro Economic Policy Response
- 1994 - 1994 ユーラシア社会の人口・家族構造比較史研究
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Papers (15):
友部謙一. 世帯の栄養状況からみた身体. 歴史人口学の課題と展望. 2022. 215-222
Keisuke Moriya, Kenichi Tomobe. Mining Pollution and Infant Health in Modern Japan: From Village/Town Statistics of Infant Mortality. Modern Environmental Science and Engineering. 2021. 6. 804-809
友部謙一. 体位の変動と人口・経済. 社会経済史事典. 2021. 354-355
Tomobe Kenichi. A Brief History of Markets, Households & Infectious Diseases in Japan. Japan Spotlight. 2021. 2021. May. 38-41
友部謙一. 流動の国日本・略史:市場・人口・感染症. 三田評論. 2020. 1249. 41-47
MISC (6):
花島 誠人, 友部 謙一. 第五回適塾講座 日本の工業化・都市化・結核 : 再考「女工と結核」. 適塾. 2013. 46. 52-64
「歴史人口学の方法と史料:数量経済史と社会史の接点をめぐって」. Keio Economic Society Discussion Paper Series. 2001. 00-8
近世・近代日本農村における「家族労作」経営の分析-「チャヤノフ法則・副業就業・小作化の相互連関をめぐって」. 学術文献刊行会『日本史学年次別論文集』日本史学一般1998年度(朋文出版). 2001
Tomobe Kenichi. The interlinking of market economy and household life-cycle within Tokugawa peasant economy based on the critical thinking of proto-industrializationand the knowledge from historical demography : the case of Oyamamiya village, Settsu, 1833-1866. Keio Economic Society discussion paper series. 2000. 00-7. 1-31
友部 謙一. 「徳川前期における人口増加と「家」の形成-人口と市場経済からみた直系家族形成試論」. Keio Economic Society Discussion Paper Series. 2000. 00-2. 1-33
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
(黒生塾・春季歴史後援会(日本経済史研究所、大阪経済大学) 2022)
(大阪大学経済学会講演会 2021)
Mining pollution and infant health in modern Japan: from* village/ town statistics of infant mortality
(The Fifth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH 2019) 2019)
Influence of Industrialization on Maternal Health
(European Social Science History Association 2018)
Height, nutrition and the side production of sericulture and carp breeding in modern rural Japan,
(Hitotsubashi Economics Seminar 2017)
Education (6):
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
- 2022/04 - 現在 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科 研究教育評議員
- 2000 - 2002 大学教職課程センター学習指導副主任
- 1997 - 1999 大学学生総合センター学生部門副部長(三田支部)
- 1993 - 1997 Tokuyama University
- 1997 - - 大学助教授(経済学部)
- Keio University Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics Professor
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