J-GLOBAL ID:200901034502938061
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024 Kusunoki Mikie
クスノキ ミキエ | Kusunoki Mikie
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.yasuda-u.ac.jp/univ/univ.htm Research field (1):
Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (2):
, Home Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2016 - カンボジアでの被服学教育プログラムによる生活視点での新たな国際協力手法の構築
- 2003 - エレン・リチャーズ研究
- 2003 - Study on DR.Ellen H.Richards
- 1999 - 子供の服装に関する母親の関心度について
- 1996 - 要介護老人の快適寝環境に及ぼす衣服の影響について
- 1985 - 寝たきり老人の寝具に関する衛生学的研究
- The mother's concerns about their childrend's clothing
- Hygienic Studies on Sleeping Materials of Bedridden Elderly People
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Papers (54): -
KUSUNOKI Mikie, YAMADA Shunsuke. Fostering International Cooperation through Home Economics Educational Practice in Cambodia::A Case Study of Bayon Junior High School in Siem Reap Province. Journal of Home Economics of Japan. 2018. 69. 1. 60-70
Mikie Kusunoki, Shunsuke Yamada. A Study of International Exchange through Home Economics between Japan and Cambodia Aiming for a Mutually Happy Life. 安田女子大學紀要 = Journal of Yasuda Women's University. 2018. 46. 161-168
KUSUNOKI Mikie, YAMADA Shunsuke. Research contributing to international cooperation method by clothing education in Cambodia:- Case study at Bayon junior high school in Siem Reap Province -. Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics. 2017. 69. 0. 52-52
楠 幹江, 山田 俊亮. Study on clothing education of home economics in Cambodia : Case study at Bayon junior high school in Siem Reap Province(1st Report)Current status and issues. 生活デザイン学会誌 = Journal of lifestyle design in Yasuda Women's University. 2016. 7. 2-9
山田 俊亮, 楠 幹江. Study on clothing education of home economics in Cambodia : Case study at Bayon junior high school in Siem Reap Province(2nd Report)Implementation of clothing production. 生活デザイン学会誌 = Journal of lifestyle design in Yasuda Women's University. 2016. 7. 10-19
more... MISC (23): -
Parent's Consciousness of their Children's Clotheing. Journal of Yasuda Woman's University. 2002. (30)
A Study on Elderly People's Expectation of the Information about Clothes. Journal of Yasuda Women's University. 1996. 24. 1. 267-274
Hygienic Study of Environmental Comfort on Bedridden Elderly People. Report of Research Project, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research(C). 1996
A Comparison of Awareness toward Healthy Clothing Life of Female College Students and Their Mothers. Journal of Yasuda Women's University. 1995. 23. 1. 239-248
Body Movements as an Indicator of Nursing Care on Bedridden Elderly People. Report of Research Project, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research. 1994. (c)
more... Patents (2): -
The indoor cover of air conditioner
Books (11): - 健康科学としての家政学
大学教育出版 2003
- 子どもの生活と文化
樹村房 2000
- Life in Janpan
Kenpakusha Co., Ltd, 2000
- 布文化の科学・十話
化学同人 1998
- 日本人の生活
建帛社 1998
more... Education (4): - - 1974 Osaka City University
- - 1974 Osaka City University Graduate School, Division of Home Economics
- - 1972 Hiroshima University School of Education
- - 1972 Hiroshima University Faculty of Education
Professional career (2): - DR. of Medical Science (Hiroshima University)
- Master of Home Economics (Osaka City University)
Work history (9): - 2010 - 現在 Yasuda Women's University
- 2004 - 現在 Yasuda Women's University
- 2004 - Yasuda Woman's Univesity Professor
- 1986 - 2003 Yasuda Women's College
- 1981 - 2003 Yasuda Woman's College Professor
- 1981 - 1986 Yasuda Women's College
- 1974 - 1981 Yasuda Women's College
- 1974 - 1981 Yasuda Woman's College Lecturer
- 1981 - -1896 Yasuda Woman's College Associate Professor
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, 家政学会
, Japan Hygienic Association
, Japan Home Economics Assosiation
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