J-GLOBAL ID:200901034549936741
Update date: Mar. 01, 2025 Sasakura Chikahiro
ササクラ チカヒロ | Sasakura Chikahiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Sociology of education
Research keywords (5):
, 里親支援
, 地域支援ネットワーク
, エンパワメント
, 地域の質
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7): - 2024 - 2027 委託児権利擁護のための里親支援に係る地域社会資源協働を通した里親養育支援システム
- 2019 - 2023 里親支援専門相談員を活用した委託児の権利擁護を視野に入れた里親養育支援システム
- 2015 - 2019 内集団・外集団によるインフォーマル重層的里親養育支援地域ネットワークに関する研究
- 2015 - 2018 脱落型不登校児童のエンパワメント実現を可能とする地域社会の支援ネットワークモデル
- 2013 - 2016 The quality of community that makes it possible to support to realize the empowerment of expectant and nursing mothers who have social high-risks
- 2010 - 2012 A practical model of a childrearing support network that incorporates perinatal care for the high-risk group
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Papers (5): -
Inoue, Hisami, Sasakura, Chikahiro. Perceptions of the System to Protect the Rights of Children Raised in Foster Parents : A Questionnaire Survey of Foster Parents and Foster Parent Social Workers in Prefecture A. Bulletin of Osaka Ohtani University. 2023. 57. (1)-(18)
Inoue, Hisami, Sasakura, Chikahiro. Foster parent care required by Foster parents in prefecture A who have experienced the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bulletin of Early Childhood Educational Research Center. 2022. 12. 1-18
Inoue , Hisami, Sasakura , Chikahiro. Foster parent care and foster parent social workers’ activities in A Prefecture in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bulletin of Osaka Ohtani University. 2022. 56. 11-25
井上 寿美, 笹倉 千佳弘. コロナ禍を経験したA県の里親が求める支援. 大阪大谷大学幼児教育研究実践センター. 2022. 12. 1-18
井上 寿美, 笹倉 千佳弘. 社会的養護児童の子育ての社会化が子どもの認識に与える影響ー地域養護活動における「ひと・もの・こと」との関係に注目してー. 関西福祉大学発達教育学部研究紀要. 2016. 1. 1-8
MISC (93): -
Relationship between Female Survivor of Sexual Abuse and Her Mother as Parent of Nonperpetrator : Through changes observed in a sentiment on her mother and concept of childrearing. 2021. 11. 1-19
井上 寿美, 笹倉 千佳弘. 里親と受託児の「かかわりあい」のアクチュアリティ : 意味づけされていない養育エピソードの語りをとおして. 大阪大谷大学紀要 = Bulletin of Osaka Ohtani University. 2021. 55. 31-49
Relationship-Building Process between a Social Nursing Child and a Out-Group Constituent Member : Through Episodes of Learning Supporting Volunteer Activities. 2021. 46. 67-78
井上 寿美, 笹倉 千佳弘. 里親によるレスパイト・ケア利用促進に向けた里親支援専門相談員の役割. 大阪大谷大学教育学部幼児教育実践研究センター紀要 = Bulletin of Early Childhood Educational Research Center. 2020. 10. 17-35
The Attitude of "Supporters" in Assisting People Who Find Life Difficult : Through the Interaction of the Psychiatrists with Patients in Community Mental Healthcare. 2020. 54. 75-87
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日総研出版 2014 ISBN:4776017229
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新宿書房 2010 ISBN:4880084115
- 育つ・育てる・育ちあう
明石書店 2006 ISBN:475032308X
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明石書店 2003 ISBN:4750317322
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