J-GLOBAL ID:200901034553023289
Update date: Aug. 16, 2022 Takamura Kiyoshi
タカムラ キヨシ | Takamura Kiyoshi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
, Science education
Research keywords (2):
, Mathematics Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 高専における数学教育
- 代数体の類数に関する研究
- Mathematics Education in Colleges
- Study on Class Number of Algebraic Number Fields
MISC (23): -
工学系に必要とされる数学に関する調査研究7-土木系分野(構造力学)における数学-. 日本数学教育学会高専・大学部会論文誌. 2000. 1. 7. 101-124
An Analytic Study of Mathematics Contents in Engineering Curricula 7-The Case Study of Structural Mechanics-. TRANSACTIONS OF MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION FOR KOSEN AND UNIVERSITY. 2000. 1. 7. 101-124
工学系に必要とされる数学に関する調査研究6-機械系分野(熱力学)における数学-(共著). 日本数学教育学会高専・大学部会論文誌. 1999. 1. 6. 95
An Analytic Study of Mathematics Contents in Engineering Curricula 6 -The Case of Thermodynamics-. TRANSACTIONS OF MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION FOR KOSEN AND UNIVERSITY. 1999. 1. 6. 95
工学系に必要とされる数学に関する調査研究5 -情報系分野(符号理論)における数学-(共著). 日本数学教育学会高専部会研究論文誌. 1998. 1. 5. 127
more... Books (1): Education (4): - - 1975 Tohoku University
- - 1975 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1970 Tohoku University Faculty of Science
- - 1970 Tohoku University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): - Master of Science (Tohoku University)
Work history (2): - 1975 - 1988 Sendai National College of Technology
- 1975 - 1988 Sendai National College of Technology, Lecturer1988-1995 Sendai National College of Technology, Associate Professor
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page