J-GLOBAL ID:200901034733362030
Update date: Apr. 07, 2024 Hayashi Mitsuhiro
ハヤシ ミツヒロ | Hayashi Mitsuhiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research keywords (6):
poverty and inequality
, economic development
, social development (education, health, etc.)
, small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs)
, industrialization and industrial policy
, developing economies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2020 - 2025 アジア途上諸国の空間的側面からみた所得格差とその要因
- 2017 - 2023 アジア途上諸国における地域内・地域間の所得格差:その実態と要因の分析
- 2014 - 2018 インド、インドネシア、フィリピンの都市・農村格差:家計データに基づく要因分解分析
Papers (3): -
Mitsuhiro Hayashi, et al. Expenditure Inequality in Indonesia, 2008-2010: A Spatial Decomposition Analysis and the Role of Education. Asian Economic Journal. 2014. 28. 4. 389-411
Mitsuhiro Hayashi. Structural Changes in Indonesian Industry and Trade: An Input-Output Analysis. The Developing Economies. 2005. 43. 1. 39-71
Mitsuhiro Hayashi. The Role of Subcontracting in SME Development in Indonesia: Micro-level Evidence from the Metalworking and Machinery Industry. Journal of Asian Economics. 2002. 13. 1. 1-26
Books (6): - Roles of Education in Expenditure Inequality between Urban and Rural Areas: Indonesia, the Philippines, and India, Industrial Location and Vitalization of Regional Economy
Springer 2023
- Spatial Dimensions of Expenditure Inequality in India: With Attention to the Roles of Education and Social Classes, Locational Analysis of Firms’ Activities from a Strategic Perspective
Springer 2018
- Features of Industrial and Economic Structure as Factors for Firms' Location Selections:An Analysis of ASEAN Countries, Firms’ Location Selections and Regional Policy in the Global Economy
Springer 2015
- Support Mechanisms for SME Development in Indonesia: A Firm Level Survey in the Metalworking and Machinery Industry, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in East Asia: Sectoral and Regional Dimensions
Edward Elgar 2008
- SMEs, Subcontracting and Economic Development in Indonesia: With Reference to Japan's Experience
Japan International Cooperation Publishing 2005
more... Lectures and oral presentations (5): -
Education and Expenditure Inequality in the Philippines:Decomposition Analyses
(The 5th IRSA(Indonesian Regional Science Association)International Institute 2015)
Spatial Dimensions of Expenditure Inequality and the Role of Education in the Philippines: An Analysis of the FIES Data
(The 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the 4th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) Institute 2013)
Spatial Dimensions of Expenditure Inequality and the Role of Education in Indonesia: An Analysis of the 2008-2010 Susenas Panel Data
(Proceedings for the 13th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association 2012)
Economic Performance and Productivity Growth of Indonesian SMEs
(Proceedings for SMEs in a Global Economy Conference: Sustaining SME Innovation, Competitiveness and Development in the Global Economy 2002)
Support Mechanisms for the Development of SMEs in Indonesia: The Case of Automotive and Motorcycle Parts Industry
(Proceedings for SMEs in a Global Economy Conference: SMEs in East Asia in the Aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis 2000)
Education (1): - 1998 - 2002 Australian National University Graduate School, Division of Economics
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. in Economics (Australian National University)
Work history (2): - 2018/04 - 2024/03 中央大学 The Institute of Economic Research Director
- 2007/04 - Chuo University Faculty of Economics Professor
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 東アジア経済学会
, 国際開発学会
, The Japan Society of International Economics
, Indonesian Regional Science Association
, Regional Science Association International
, Applied Regional Science Conference
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