Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (4):
, 朝鮮語学
, Altaic Linguistics
, Korean Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Linguistic and Literal Problems in the Former Soviet Union
General Studies on Dungans
Description of the Grammar of Modern Korean
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MISC (32):
An Account on the Korean Readings of Chinese Characters. Department of Korean Language, Kanda University of International Sutudies. 2004. 213
Catalogue of Writings on the Koreans in Former Soviet Union. Study on Succession and Changes of the Ethnic Culture of Koreans in Former Soviet Union. 2003. 73-209
Catalogue of Writings on the Koreans in Former Soviet Union Study on Succession and Changes of the Ethnic Culture of Koreans in Former Soviet Union. Study on Successioon and Changes of the Ethnic Culture of Koreans in Former Soviet Union. 2003. 73-209
Proceedings of the 6th Seoul International Altaistic Conference 2004
On the Relationship of the Dunganese Language in Central Asia and the Language of Xiaoerjin
Proceedings of the 6th Seoul International Altaistic Conference 2004