J-GLOBAL ID:200901035370477759
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Kimoto Mari
キモト マリ | Kimoto Mari
Research field (5):
Animals: biochemistry, physiology, behavioral science
, Clinical pharmacy
, Physiology
, Neuroscience - general
, Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (14):
, 口腔感覚
, 嗅覚
, 神経生理学(味覚
, 腸管運動
, 性差
, ストレス
, 摂食行動と生理
, olfactory and oral sensation)
, Neurophysiology (Taste
, Guatatory movements
, Sex Difference
, Stress
, Ingestive Behavior & Physiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 2009 - ストレスによる腸管運動の変化
- 2009 - Effects of stress loading on the gustatory movements,in vitro
- 2002 - ストレス暴露に対する摂食行動の変調と性差
- 2002 - Changes in Food Intake and Chemical Senses for Stress Exposure and Gender difference
- 2000 - 重力変化の生体への影響(分子・行動学的研究)と性差
- 2000 - Molecular and Behavioral Approach to Rat Response upon Gravitational Alteration and Gender difference
- 1999 - 香辛料刺激に対する味覚・嗅覚の応答
- 1999 - Neuronal Responses of Gustatory and Olfactory System to Various Spicces in Rat
- 1990 - 嗅覚系における匂い情報処理機構
- 1990 - Mechanisms of Odor Information Processing in the Olfactory System in Rats
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MISC (75): - Hiromi Yamashita, Jorge L. Zeredo, Mari Kimoto, Zenro Nihei, Izumi Asahina, Kei Kaida, Kazuo Toda. Body site-dependent changes in pain threshold during the estrous cycle in rats. Psychology and Neuroscience. 2015. 8. 3. 414-422
Mari Kimoto, Jorge L. Zeredo, Masato S. Ota, Zenro Nihei, Kazuo Toda. Ginger-induced Ileal Motility is Modified by Stress: Sex Differences in Rats. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2015. 3. 1. 5-8
Mari Kimoto, Jorge L. Zeredo, Masato S. Ota, Zenro Nihei, Kazuo Toda. Sex Differences in Ileal Somatostatin-Response after Stress Conditioning in Rats. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2015. 3. 1. 1-4
Mari Kimoto, Jorge L. Zeredo, Masato S. Ota, Zenro Nihei, Kazuo Toda. Sansho Intake Modulates Ileum Activity in Stress-loaded Rats. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2015. 3. 1. 9-12
Mari Kimoto, Jorge L. Zeredo, Masato S. Ota, Zenro Nihei, Kazuo Toda. Ginger-induced Ileal Motility is Modified by Stress: Sex Differences in Rats. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2015. 3. 1
more... Books (24): - 新版 基礎解剖生理学
おうふう 2015 ISBN:9784273037635
- Basic Aantomy and Physiology
- 基礎 解剖生理学 第3版
おうふう 2011 ISBN:9784273036621
- 基礎栄養学 改訂8版
南山堂 2010 ISBN:9784525632786
- 基礎 解剖生理学 第2版
おうふう 2010
more... Lectures and oral presentations (98): -
Stress modified nociceptive responses in the anterior cingulate neurons during estrous cycle in female rats
(EBBS(European Brain and Behavior Society Meeting), Verona,Italy 2015)
Effects of daily Sansho intake on the ileum activities in stress-loaded rats
(EBBS(European Brain and Behavior Society Meeting), Verona,Italy 2015)
Stress modified nociceptive responses in the anterior cingulate neurons during estrous cycle in female rats
(EBBS(European Brain and Behavior Society Meeting), Verona,Italy 2015)
Effects of daily Sansho intake on the ileum activities in stress-loaded rats
(EBBS(European Brain and Behavior Society Meeting), Verona,Italy 2015)
Anterior cingulate responses evoked by mechanical nociceptive stimulation in female rats
(2014 Meeting of Federation of European Physiological Sciences, Budapest 2014)
more... Works (18): -
おいしさの隠し味をさぐるーバランスー:新聞報道;中部経済新聞社 科学欄
2010 -
おいしさの隠し味をさぐるーバランスー:新聞報道;中部経済新聞社 科学欄
2010 -
2010 -
2010 -
女子理学教育をリードした女性科学者たち 高橋憲子 一般教育~自然科学系の柱
2006 - 2008
more... Education (4): - - 1975 Japan Women's University Graduate School of Human Sciences and Design
- - 1975 Japan Women's University Graduate School, Division of Home Economics Division of Food and Nutrition
- - 1971 Japan Women's University Faculty of Human Sciences and Design Department of Food and Nutrition
- - 1971 Japan Women's University Faculty of Home Economics Department of Food and Nutrition
Professional career (2): - Doctor (Medicine) (Toho University)
- 修士(家政学) (日本女子大学)
Work history (9): - - 2017/03 Japan women's University Professor
- - 2017/03 - 日本女子大学家政学部 教授
- 2007 - - 日本女子大学家政学部 准教授
- 2007 - - Associate professor, Japan Women's University
- 1975 - 2002 Japan Women's University
- 1975 - 2002 Reseach Associate, Japan Women's University
- 2002 - - 日本女子大学家政学部 講師
- 2002 - - Lecturer, Japan Women's University
- Japan Women's University Faculty of Human Sciences and Design, Department of Food and Nutrition
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Committee career (2): - 日本女子大学動物実験委員会 委員長
- 日本女子大学動物実験委員会 委員長
Association Membership(s) (5):
The European Brain and Behaviour Society
, 日本栄養改善学会
, 日本味と匂学会
, 日本生理学会
, The European Brain and Behaviour Society
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