J-GLOBAL ID:200901035399825128
Update date: Dec. 28, 2024 Tomaru Utano
トマル ウタノ | Tomaru Utano
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (1): http://www.med.hokudai.ac.jp/~patho-1w/ Research field (1):
Experimental pathology
Research keywords (3):
, 免疫学
, 実験病理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18): - 2022 - 2026 Inflammagingにおける炎症・老化細胞の解析とバイオマーカーへの展開
- 2021 - 2024 Reveal of the pathogenesis of MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis and development of novel therapeutic strategies
- 2020 - 2022 Analysis of inflammatory cells in age-related chronic inflammation
- 2018 - 2022 Molecular pathology of autoreactive inflammatory T cells
- 2015 - 2017 Involvement of neutrophil extracellular traps in the development of diabetic angiopathy
- 2014 - 2017 Basic and clinical strategy to overcome microscopic polyangiitis
- 2013 - 2016 The role of proteasome in pulmonary fibrosis
- 2013 - 2016 Dysfunction of proteasome and pathogenesis in age-related disorders
- 2013 - 2016 Analysis of retinal degeneration caused by dysfunction of ubiquitin proteasome system
- 2010 - 2012 Development of regenerative medicine for spinal cord injury in HTLV-1 associated myelopathy
- 2010 - 2012 Proteasomal dysfunction and pathology
- 2008 - 2010 Pathogenesis of vasculitis and novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies
- 2007 - 2008 Role of stress-inducible NKG2D ligands in disease
- 2005 - 2006 慢性ウイルス感染症におけるメモリーT細胞の免疫応答と関連疾患の病態解明
- 2005 - 2006 MILL分子群による免疫監視機構の解析
- 2003 - 2003 動物モデルを用いたHTLV-1発がん機構の解析
- 2002 - 2003 Development and analyses of novel animal models for human retrovirus-induced desiases.
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Papers (221): -
Yasushi Ishii, Aya Fukui-Miyazaki, Sari Iwasaki, Takahiro Tsuji, Kiyohiko Hotta, Hajime Sasaki, Shimpei Nakagawa, Takuma Yoshida, Eri Murata, Koji Taniguchi, et al. Impaired immunoproteasomal function exacerbates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Experimental and molecular pathology. 2024. 140. 104939-104939
Yusuke Kudo, Karin Hara, Michito Murayama, Sanae Kaga, Satomi Omotehara, Takahito Iwai, Masaru Kato, Utano Tomaru, Yoshihiro Matsuno, Akihiro Ishizu. A Novel Ultrasound Finding for the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis: Comparison With Temporal Artery Biopsy Findings. Journal of clinical ultrasound : JCU. 2024
Yuka Nishibata, Suishin Arai, Mai Taniguchi, Issei Nakade, Hodaka Ogawa, Shota Kitano, Yumeka Hosoi, Ayano Shindo, Ryo Nishiyama, Sakiko Masuda, et al. Cathepsin C inhibition reduces neutrophil serine protease activity and improves activated neutrophil-mediated disorders. Nature communications. 2024. 15. 1. 6519-6519
Eri Murata, Takuma Yoshida, Utano Tomaru, Saaki Yamamoto, Aya Fukui-Miyazaki, Akihiro Ishizu, Masanori Kasahara. Decreased proteasome function increases oxidative stress in the early stage of pressure ulcer development. Experimental and molecular pathology. 2024. 137. 104891-104891
Shimpei Nakagawa, Aya Fukui-Miyazaki, Takuma Yoshida, Yasushi Ishii, Eri Murata, Koji Taniguchi, Akihiro Ishizu, Masanori Kasahara, Utano Tomaru. Decreased Proteasomal Function Exacerbates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Chronic Inflammation in Obese Adipose Tissue. The American journal of pathology. 2024. 194. 6. 1033-1046
more... MISC (213): -
川上民裕, 中出一生, 田村宥人, 伊藤吹夕, 西端友香, 益田紗季子, 外丸詩野, 石津明洋. 皮膚血管炎動物モデルの完成. 脈管学(Web). 2023. 63. 1
川上民裕, 中出一生, 田村宥人, 西端友香, 益田紗季子, 石津明洋, 伊藤吹夕, 外丸詩野. 正常ラットに抗PSPT抗体と抗LAMP2抗体の静脈注射により皮膚血管炎の発症に成功した. 日本皮膚科学会雑誌. 2023. 133. 3
新海隼人, 加藤千恵次, 川上民裕, 高橋啓, 西端友香, 益田紗季子, 田中敏, 外丸詩野, 石津明洋. 人工知能による結節性多発動脈炎と皮膚動脈炎の皮膚生検画像の鑑別. 脈管学(Web). 2021. 61. 1
西端友香, 益田紗季子, 外丸詩野, 石津明洋. myosin light chain6を認議する抗好中球細胞外トラップ(NETs)抗体はNETs分解阻害活性を持つ. 日本リウマチ学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2021. 65th
益田紗季子, 西端友香, 田中敏, 外丸詩野, 辻野一三, 石津明洋. Effects of hypoxia on neutrophil extracellular trap formation. 日本病理学会会誌. 2021. 110. 1
more... Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2012/11 - 現在 北海道大学大学院 医学研究院 分子病理学教室 准教授
- 2004/11 - 2012/10 北海道大学大学院 医学研究院 分子病理学教室 講師
- 2003/04 - 2004/10 北海道大学大学院 医学研究院 分子病理学教室 助教
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