J-GLOBAL ID:200901035404886866
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Ohkushi Atsuhiro
オオクシ アツヒロ | Ohkushi Atsuhiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (4):
, 戦国縦横家書
, 統一国家
, 中国古代史
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 2005 - 2009 The East Asian Exchanges and the Social and Economical Conditions in the Song and Yuan China by using the Materials of Diaries and Miscellanies
- 1993 - 1993 中国古代における情報伝達システム
- 1992 - 1993 『史記』『漢書』の再検討と古代社会の地域的研究
- 1990 - 1991 The Locality of Ancient China in the light of archaeological fines
- Study on Society and State in Ancient China
- 中国古代の社会と国家
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Papers (36): -
大櫛敦弘. 「襄武・上雒・商・函谷関」の間--岳麓書院蔵秦簡「秦律令(壹)」第五三簡に見える特定領域--. 資料学の方法を探る. 2022. 21. 37-46
OHKUSHI Atsuhiro. Afterimage of Zhanguo era. 2019. 20. 32-57
大櫛 敦弘. 燕・齊・荊は地遠し-秦漢統一国家と東方地域-. 海南史学. 2017. 55. 1-28
大櫛 敦弘. 大梁の墟. 『高知をめぐる戦争と交流の史的研究』. 2016. 125-152
大櫛 敦弘. 漢代三輔制度の形成再論. 『人文科学研究』(高知大学人文学部人間文化学科). 2015. 21. 33-52
more... MISC (21): -
Note and Bearer. Research Reports of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Economies, Kochi University. 2002. 8. 51-67
Visions presented to King of Qi. Research Reports of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Kochi University. 2001. 8. 17-30
Constitution of Qin-Han states. 2001. 231-254
Visits of Emperors in Later-Han era. Research Reports of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities and Economics, Kochi University. 2000. 7. 65-90
An Investigation of the Formation of the Metropolitan Area System in China. Studies on the Development of East Asian History and Japan in Memory of Dr. Nishijima Sadao. 2000. 125-138
more... Education (4): - - 1988 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1988 The University of Tokyo
- - 1982 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Humanities
- - 1982 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Professional career (1): Work history (1): - 1988 - 1989 日本学術振興会特別研究員(P.D.)
Committee career (2): - 1999 - 中国出土資料学会 理事
- 日本秦漢史研究会 理事
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (9):
, 中国考古学会
, 海南史学会
, 中国出土資料学会
, 日本秦漢史研究会
, 中国社会文化学会
, 東方学会
, 東洋史研究会
, 史学会
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