Research field (5):
Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
, Physiology
, Sports science
Research keywords (4):
Environmental Physiology
, Sport Science and Sport Methodology
, 環境生理学
, 運動方法学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
1999 - 2004 高齢者の歩行習慣定着の方法学的研究
1999 - 2004 Methodological studies for olders' liking their walking
1993 - 2004 スポーツ技能熟練者に適用する高度なハンデイキャップの研究
1993 - 2004 スポーツ方法の研究
1993 - 2004 Studies of severe leveller adapted for skilled players
1993 - 2004 Sport Methodology
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MISC (28):
A study of overhand pass form by set-up players in volleyball: investigation of the upper limb movement. The Japanese journal of sports methodology. 2002. 15. 1. 127-136