J-GLOBAL ID:200901035807727180
Update date: Jan. 25, 2013 Kitamura Yayoi
キタムラ ヤヨイ | Kitamura Yayoi
Homepage URL (1): http://www.yayo-e.com Research keywords (4):
, 情報技術教育
, Career Development
, Education of Information Technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2002 - 2005 情報処理教育とキャリア開発教育の融合
- 2002 - 2005 In Search of Interface between I. T. Education and Career Development
- キャリア開発教育にむけたソフト開発
- Development of Application Software for Career Development
MISC (2): -
情報教育の現場に見るデジタルデバイドと生涯教育の可能性. 社団法人 行政情報システム研究所 「行政とADP」誌7月号. 2000. 7月
Digital Devide in I. T. Education and possibilities of Life long Education. "Administration and ADP". 2000. Jury
Works (4): -
ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校 日本語教材ポータルサイト作成
「東海大学法学部 公式 CD-ROM デジタルガイダンス 1998」
State University of New York at Buffalo "Japanese Course Materials project"
"Tokai Univ. School of Law Official CD-ROM Digital Guidance 1998"
Education (4): - - 1986 Meiji University
- - 1986 Meiji University Graduate School, Division of Law Civil Law
- - 1984 Meiji University School of Law Department of Law
- - 1984 Meiji University Faculty of Law Law
Professional career (1): - M. A. in Law (Meiji University)
Work history (10): - 2004/09 - 現在 Kyoritsu Women's University
- 2004/09 - 現在 Kyoritu Women's College Part-Time Instructor
- 2000 - 2004 .8 戸板女子短期大学 非常勤講師
- 2000 - 2004 .8 Toita Women's College Part-Time Instructor
- 1998/04 - Tokyo International University
- 1998/04 - Tokyo International University Temporary
- Toita Women's College The Department of International Communication and Culture Instructor
- Toita Women's College
- Toita Women's College Instructor
- Instructor
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, キャリア教育学会
, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
, The Japanese Society for Study of Career Education
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