J-GLOBAL ID:200901036573355418
Update date: Dec. 11, 2024 Miyoshi Nobuhiro
ミヨシ ノブヒロ | Miyoshi Nobuhiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
English linguistics
Research keywords (4):
, 比較統語論
, 生成文法
, 理論言語学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2014 - 2017 On Weakening/Impoverishment of Agreement
- 2010 - 2013 A Study on Anti-agreement Phenomena
- 2006 - 2009 一般英語力と実務・専門英語力の乖離是正のための基礎研究
Papers (17): -
Merger without feature-sharing. 2016. 33. 72-78
Nobuhiro MIYOSHI, Takahiro TOZAWA. A Note on the Japanese Focus Particle Bakari. 日本英語英文学. 2013. 23. 87-103
Nobuhiro Miyoshi. "On Agreement Restrictions in Ainu". Explorations in English Linguistics. 2010. 24. 119-158
Nobuhiro Miyoshi. “Pro-Drop and Verb Second in Old French:A Weak Phonological Approach to X-second Phenomena,”. 旭川医科大学フォーラム. 2010. 10. 1. 56-63
三好暢博. 「EPP、素性継承と反一致現象ついて」. JEAL. 2009. 26. 151-160
more... MISC (1): -
Nobuhiro Miyoshi. “The Role of the Cycle in a Derivational Approach (S. D. Epstein and T. D. Seely, Derivation in Minimalism)”. English Linguistics 25. 2008. 25. (2). 499-518
Books (4): - ことばの様相- 現在と未来をつなぐ -
開拓者 2022 ISBN:9784758923668
- 26 Essays in Current Linguistic Research
- The state of the Art Linguistic Research: The interface of Form and Meaning (“A Note on Free word Order and Null Anaphora” 313-322)
開拓社 2008
- 「ALC Mobile Academy:医療系ニュース英単語に挑戦」
アルク教育社 2007
Lectures and oral presentations (23): -
Kuroda (1988)の格助詞の分析とラベル付け理論について
(第64回大会 日本英文学会北海道支部)
Anti-reconstruction Effects and Object Shift in Japanese
(The English Linguistic Society of Japan 11th International Spring Forum)
Object Shift in Japanese
(第9回 北海道理論言語学研究会)
We've never had trouble in finding red foxes.の finding は動名詞か?
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