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J-GLOBAL ID:200901036611155690   Update date: Dec. 06, 2024

Kubo Yasuyuki

クボ ヤスユキ | Kubo Yasuyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 教授
Homepage URL  (1): http://ykubo.blog.eonet.jp/
Research field  (1): Conservation science (plants)
Research keywords  (31): シグナル伝達 ,  付着器 ,  炭疽病菌 ,  植物免疫 ,  ウリ類炭そ病菌 ,  形態分化 ,  メラニン ,  環境応答 ,  いもち病菌 ,  遺伝子発現 ,  バイオテクノロジー ,  マイクロアレイ ,  Colletotrichum ,  シロイヌナズナ ,  分子パターン ,  炭そ病菌 ,  MAPキナーゼ ,  侵入器官 ,  防御応答 ,  微生物 ,  RNAi ,  RNAサイレンシング ,  情報発現 ,  植物病原菌 ,  Alternaria ,  分子パター ,  PAMPs ,  アラビドプシス ,  分子遺伝学 ,  病原性 ,  植物病原糸状菌
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (25):
  • 2024 - 2027 Exploration and mode of action of therapeutics for treating human refractory lysosomal diseases using an innovative model of anthracnose fungi
  • 2024 - 2027 炭疽病菌の侵入器官形成における液胞-核コミュニケーションの機能解析
  • 2020 - 2024 植物病原糸状菌の形態形成と感染適応戦略のネットワーク解析
  • 2015 - 2020 Molecular basis of host recognition and cellular development in the infection strategy of plant pathogenic fungi
  • 2015 - 2019 Field research of health benefit and genetic feature in heirloom vegetables and fruits preserved by Vietnamese ethnic minorities
Show all
Papers (77):
  • Ketty C Tamburrini, Sayo Kodama, Sacha Grisel, Mireille Haon, Takumi Nishiuchi, Bastien Bissaro, Yasuyuki Kubo, Sonia Longhi, Jean-Guy Berrin. The disordered C-terminal tail of fungal LPMOs from phytopathogens mediates protein dimerization and impacts plant penetration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2024. 121. 13. e2319998121
  • Dong-Liang Jiang, Ken Harata, Mami Ogawa, Koji Shirota, Azusa Sasaki, Takako Nakamura, Shigehisa Okamoto, Eun Young Park, Kenji Sato, Yasushi Nakamura, et al. Multiple Colletotrichum species cause anthracnose disease on Japanese pickling melon var. Katsura-uri (Cucumis melo var. conomon). JOURNAL OF GENERAL PLANT PATHOLOGY. 2023. 89. 5. 249-259
  • Bastien Bissaro, Sayo Kodama, Takumi Nishiuchi, Anna Maria Díaz-Rovira, Hayat Hage, David Ribeaucourt, Mireille Haon, Sacha Grisel, A Jalila Simaan, Fred Beisson, et al. Tandem metalloenzymes gate plant cell entry by pathogenic fungi. Science advances. 2022. 8. 51. eade9982
  • Sayo Kodama, Naoki Kajikawa, Fumi Fukada, Yasuyuki Kubo. Niemann-Pick Type C Proteins Are Required for Sterol Transport and Appressorium-Mediated Plant Penetration of Colletotrichum orbiculare. mBio. 2022. 13. 5. e0223622
  • Pamela Gan, Ayako Tsushima, Mari Narusaka, Yoshihiro Narusaka, Yoshitaka Takano, Yasuyuki Kubo, Ken Shirasu. Genome Sequence Resources for Four Phytopathogenic Fungi from the Colletotrichum orbiculare Species Complex. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 2019. 32. 9. 1088-1090
MISC (179):
  • 小玉紗代, 梶河直起, 深田史美, 深田史美, 久保康之. Intracellular sterol transport system is required for membrane curvature and appressorium-mediated plant penetration of Colletotrichum orbiculare. 糸状菌分子生物学コンファレンス(Web). 2022. 21st
  • 小玉紗代, 梶河直起, 深田史美, 久保康之. The virulence factors CoNpc1 and CoNpc2 are involved in intracellular sterol transport and penetration peg formation of Colletotrichum orbiculare. 日本植物病理学会報. 2020. 86. 1
  • 梶河直起, 深田史美, 久保康之. ウリ類炭疽病菌のCoNPC2は出芽酵母におけるステロール輸送因子NPC2の機能的オルソログであり病原性に関与する. 日本植物病理学会大会プログラム・講演要旨予稿集. 2018. 2018
  • 鳴坂真理, GAN Pamela, 津島綾子, 津島綾子, 熊倉直祐, 白須賢, 高野義孝, 久保康之, 白石友紀, 鳴坂義弘. アブラナ科炭疽病菌におけるエフェクター候補遺伝子の取得とその機能解析. 日本植物病理学会報. 2017. 83. 1
  • 深田史美, 西内巧, 久保康之. 炭疽病菌およびいもち病菌においてRabGAP Bub2は細胞周期および隔壁形成を制御し植物感染に関与する. 日本植物病理学会報. 2017. 83. 1
Books (8):
  • Regulation of melanin biosynthesis genes during appressorium formation of Colletotrichum lagenarium. Pages 99-113 in: Host specificity, pathogenicity and host pathogen interaction of Colletotrichum
    APS Press, St. Paul Minnesota 2000
  • Regulation of melanin biosynthesis genes during appressorium formation of Colletotrichum lagenarium. Pages99-113 in: Host specificity, pathogenicity and host pathogen interaction of Colletotrichum
    APS Press, St. Paul Minnesota 2000
  • Regulation of melanin biosynthesis genes during appressorium formation of Colletotrichum lagenarium. Pages99-113 in: Host specificity, pathogenicity and host pathogen interaction of Colletotrichum
    APS Press, St. Paul Minnesota. 1999
  • Expression and regulation of melanin biosynthetic genes during appressorium formation of Colletotrichum lagenarium. Pages253-260 in Molecilar genetics of host-specific toxins in plant disease
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 1998
  • Expression and regulation of melanin biosynthetic genes during appressorium formation of Colletotrichum lagenarium. In“Molecular genetics of host-specific toxins in plant disease"
    Kluwer Academic Pablishers, Dordrecht 1998
Education (4):
  • - 1985 Kyoto University
  • - 1985 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
  • - 1980 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
  • - 1980 Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Agriculture (Kyoto University)
Work history (4):
  • 2008/04 - 2014 Kyoto Prefectural University Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences (MC and DC)
  • 1994 - 2001 Kyoto Refecfural University. Associate Professor
  • 1990 - 1994 Kyoto University Lecturer
  • 1987 - 1990 Kyoto University Res. Assistant.
Committee career (1):
  • The Phytopathological Society of Japan councilor
Awards (2):
  • 2005 - 日本植物病理学会 学会賞
  • 1988 - 日本植物病理学会 学術奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
日本分子生物学会 ,  日本農薬学会 ,  日本植物病理学会 ,  The Phytopathological Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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