J-GLOBAL ID:200901037050894699
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Naotaka Kimizuka
キミヅカ ナオタカ | Naotaka Kimizuka
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
History - Europe/America
Research keywords (3):
Pax Britannica Monarchy and Parliament
, 近代イギリス政治外交史
, Political and Diplomatic History of Modern Britain
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2013 - 2017 Cultural Exchange and Transformation of Modern Diplomacy: From the Old to New Diplomacy
- 2011 - 2013 Parliament, Constituency and Local Interests in 16th - 19th century Britain
- 近現代のヨーロッパ国際政治史
- 近現代イギリスの王室と政治外交
- Modern British History of Politics and Diplomacy
Papers (2): -
君塚直隆. 21世紀の立憲君主制. 歴史評論. 2019. 835. 28-37
君塚 直隆. エリザベス二世と戦後イギリス外交. 国際政治. 2013. 173. 155-169
MISC (31): -
The Private Secretary to Queen Victoria : Grey, Ponsonby and the Formation of the Secretariat. Bulletin of Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies. 2002. XXV, 1-26
The Private Secretary to Queen Victoria : Grey, Ponsonby and the Formation of the Secretariat. Bulletin of Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies. 2002. XXV, 1-26
ウェリントン公爵の葬儀とイギリス政治. 西洋史学. 2001. CCIII, 59-72
The Funeral of Duke of Wellington and British Politics. The Studies in Western History. 2001. CCIII, 59-72
KIMIZUKA Naotaka. Marquis Ito's Visit to St. Petersburg and the Formation of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance : Foreign Decision-making of the Salisbury Government. Bulletin of the College of Foreign Studies, Yokohama. 2000. 総合. 23. 33-48
more... Books (68): - 女王陛下の影法師 : 秘書官からみた英国政治史
筑摩書房 2023 ISBN:9784480511645
- 貴族とは何か : ノブレス・オブリージュの光と影
新潮社 2023 ISBN:9784106038945
- イギリスの歴史
河出書房新社 2022 ISBN:9784309228488
- 王室外交物語 : 紀元前14世紀から現代まで : カラー版
光文社 2021 ISBN:9784334045272
- 象徴天皇制のゆくえ
志學館大学出版会 2020 ISBN:9784860742850
more... Lectures and oral presentations (1): -
(天皇と皇位継承-過去と現在の視座- 2019)
Works (4): -
2003 - 2004
British Foreign Policy 1793-2003
2003 - 2004
2002 - 2004
Royal Navy and British Diplomacy in the Age of Pax Britannica
2002 - 2004
Education (4): - - 1997 Sophia University Graduate School of Humanities
- - 1997 Sophia University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1990 Rikkyo University College of Arts Department of History
- - 1990 Rikkyo University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2): - Doctor (Sophia University)
- Master (Sophia University)
Work history (22): - 2007/04/01 - 2011/03/31 Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies English Department
- 2003 - 2009 Chuo University
- 2002 - 2009 Chuo University, Part-time Lecturer
- 2009 - - 慶應義塾大学法学部非常勤講師
- 2009 - - Keio University, Part-time Lecturer
- 2001/04/01 - 2007/03/31 Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies English Department
- 2005 - 2006 東京大学総合文化研究科客員助教授
- 2005 - 2006 Tokyo Univeristy, Visiting Professor
- 2000 - 2002 Tokyo Woman's Christian University
- 2000 - 2002 Tokyo Women's christian University, part-time
- 2002 - - 立教大学非常勤講師
- 2002 - - Rikkyo University, part-time Lecturer
- 2000/04/01 - 2001/03/31 Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies English Department
- 2000 - 2001 Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies
- 2000 - 2001 Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign
- 1998 - 1999 Rikkyo University
- 1998 - 1999 Rikkyo University, part-time Lecturer
- 1995 - 1998 Shiraumegakuen College
- 1996 - - 武蔵大学非常勤講師
- 1996 - - Musashi University, part-time Lecturer
- Studies, Lecturer
- Lecturer
Show all
Committee career (4): - 2018/06/01 - 2020/05/31 内閣官房 国家安全保障局顧問
- 2017/04/01 - 2020/03/31 内閣府 栄典に関する有識者
- 2002 - 日本国際政治学会 評議員、英文学術誌編集委員
- 1998 - 1999 歴史学研究会 会務幹事
Awards (1): - 2018/12/10 - サントリー文化財団 サントリー学芸賞(政治・経済部門) 『立憲君主制の現在』を中心とする業績に対して
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 歴史学研究会
, 日本国際政治学会
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