J-GLOBAL ID:200901037979047699
Update date: Oct. 10, 2024
Shiraishi Kiyoshi
シライシ キヨシ | Shiraishi Kiyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Other affiliations (2):
Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (1):
quantum gravity, quantum cosmology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 1996 - 1998 CP violating Particle Physics Models and Baryogenesis
- 1993 - 1995 Effect of heavy neutrinos in the weak bosons' pair production
- 1993 - 1993 位相欠陥のまわり場の量子効果と相転移に関する研究
- 1988 - 1989 高次元統一理論における有限温度・密度での物質の系の振る舞い
Papers (146):
Nahomi Kan, Kiyoshi Shiraishi, Maki Takeuchi. Light fermion masses in partially deconstructed models. The European Physical Journal C. 2024
Nahomi Kan, Kiyoshi Shiraishi. Electric and dilatonic fields of a charged massive particle at rest in the field of a charged dilaton black hole. European Physical Journal C. 2024. 84. 3
Kan, Nahomi, Kiyoshi Shiraishi. Dynamical mass generation of spin-2 fields in de Sitter space for an symmetric model at large . Phys.Rev.D. 2023. 108. 10. 105022-105022
Kan, Nahomi, Aoyama, Takuma, Kiyoshi Shiraishi. Spinorial Wheeler-DeWitt wave functions inside black hole horizons. Class.Quant.Grav. 2023. 40. 16. 165006-165006
Nahomi Kan, Kiyoshi Shiraishi. Discrete time heat kernel and UV modified propagators with dimensional deconstruction. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2023. 56. 24. 245401-245401
MISC (132):
Nahomi Kan, Kiyoshi Shiraishi, Maki Takeuchi, Mai Yashiki. Quantum BPS Cosmology. 2024
Kan Nahomi, Kuniyasu Masashi, Shiraishi Kiyoshi, Takimoto Kohjiroh. An integrable higher-dimensional cosmology with separable variables. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2018. 73. 0. 40-40
Kan Nahomi, Shiraishi Kiyoshi. Deconstructing the Gel'fand-Yaglom method and vacuum energy. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2018. 73. 0. 45-45
菅菜穂美, 白石清. 閉路グラフ上の自由エネルギーと奇数次元球上熱核の三角関数変形. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2017. 72. 1. ROMBUNNO.20aA11-11
Kan Nahomi, Shiraishi Kiyoshi. Solutions for Multi-scalar Boson Stars. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2017. 72. 0. 32-32
Books (7):
理工系の基礎 力学
裳華房 2015 ISBN:4785322470
講談社サイエンティフィク 2007 ISBN:4061559567
講談社サイエンティフィク 2007 ISBN:4061559559
講談社 2006 ISBN:4061559532
講談社 2006 ISBN:4061559516
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
The Casimir force in Deconstructed space
(日本物理学会第62回年次大会(札幌市・北海道大学札幌キャンパス) 2007)
Graph Theorists in Theory Space
(研究会:「ブレイン宇宙とストリング」(福岡工業大学) 2003)
(日本物理学会2003年秋期大会(宮崎ワールドコンベンションセンター・サミット) 2003)
(日本物理学会第57回年次大会 2002)
Noncommutative gravity in three dimensions coupled to point-like sources
(第11回「一般相対論と重力」研究会 2002)
Education (2):
- - 1987 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1982 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (1):
The Physical Society of Japan
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