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J-GLOBAL ID:200901038141522138   Update date: Sep. 13, 2022

Oya Ryoichi

オオヤ リョウイチ | Oya Ryoichi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Surgical dentistry ,  Human pathology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 口腔癌のGST遺伝子異常と抗癌剤耐性に関する研究
  • 口腔癌のp53遺伝子異常と放射線化学療法効果に関する研究
  • 口腔癌進行症例に対する超選択的動注化学療法と放射線照射併用療法に関する研究
  • 口腔粘膜癌の細胞核DNA量に関する臨床病理学的研究
  • Anticancer drug resistance and GST gene abnormality in carcinoma of the oral cavity
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MISC (33):
Books (5):
  • Targeted carboplatin infusion and concurrent radiotherapy followed by surgery for oral and oropharynx cancer
    Oral Oncology 2001
  • Intra-arterial chemotherapy in head and neck cancer -Current results and future perspectives-
    Einhorn-Presse Verlag 1999
  • Organ and Function Preserving Treatment for Locoregionally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity and the Oropharynx : Superselective Intra-arterial Carboplatin Infusion with Concurrent Radiotherapy
    Oral Oncology 1997
  • 高齢者歯科医療マニュアル:透折患者の歯科治療時の注意点
    永末書店 1992
  • Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in cancer of the oral mucosa, with special reference to clinico-histological factors
    Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Proceeding of the 16th Congress of IAMFS 1992
Education (2):
  • - 1984 Kyushu Dental College Dentistry Dentisty
  • - 1984 Kyushu Dental College Faculty of Dentistry
Association Membership(s) (7):
日本歯科薬物療法学会 ,  日本口腔診断学会 ,  日本災害医学会 ,  日本癌治療学会 ,  頭頸部腫瘍学会 ,  日本口腔科学会 ,  日本口腔外科学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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