J-GLOBAL ID:200901038268969484
Update date: Dec. 10, 2024 SHIRAI Keiichiro
SHIRAI Keiichiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (2): http://wwell.cs.shinshu-u.ac.jp/~keiichi/index_j.html
http://wwell.cs.shinshu-u.ac.jp/index_j.html Research field (2):
Information theory
, Perceptual information processing
Research keywords (4):
Signal processing
, Image processing
, Continuous optimization
, Linear algebra
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15): - 2022 - 2025 画像中のパタンノイズ分離法と周波数スペクトルを用いたパタン成分の特徴づけ法の開発
- 2019 - 2022 Application of Perfect-code to hashing and mathematical analysis
- 2018 - 2022 Development of high-efficiency calculation method for solving inverse problem and singular value decomposition for each local area in image restoration processing
- 2018 - 2022 Conversion of Wooden Documents Recovered from the Nara Palace and Capital and Their Historic Context into a Global Resource
- 2018 - 2019 IHIターボ 画像処理による欠陥検査
- 2013 - 2018 Central information management and knowledge compilation for the development as a resource of wooden tablets and other excavated documentary materials
- 2014 - セイコーエプソン 画像処理による欠陥検査
- 2007 - 2013 セイコーエプソン 画像処理による欠陥検査
- 2009 - 2011 Embedding a Mathematical OCR Module into OCRopus
- 2009 - 2011 Design of fast tree pattern matching algorithms using bit-parallelism on strings
- 2008 - 2009 セイコーエプソン バンクチェック用の磁気インク文字認識手法の開発
- Colaborative research with other fields
- Defect inspection by image recognition
- Color image processing
- Image restoration
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Papers (62): -
Kosuke Ota, Keiichiro Shirai, Hidetoshi Miyao, Minoru Maruyama. Multimodal analogy-based image retrieval by improving semantic embeddings. J. of Adv. Comput. Intelli. and Intelli. Informatics (JACIII). 2022. 26. 6. 995-1005
Gou Koutaki, Sakino Ando, Keiichiro Shirai, Tsuyoshi Kishigami. ISHIGAKI retrieval system using 3D shape matching and combinatorial optimization. Int. J. of Comput. Vis. (IJCV). 2022. 130. 9. 2286-2304
Keiichiro Shirai, Kenjiro Sugimoto, Sei-ichiro Kamata. Adjoint bilateral filter and its application to optimization-based image processing. APSIPA Trans. on Signal and Info. Process. 2022. 11. 1. 1-27
Yoichi Matsubara, Keiichiro Shirai, Yuya Ito, Kiyoshi Tanaka. Pixel-wise parallel calculation for depth from focus with adaptive focus measure. Int. J. Multidim. Systems Signal Process. 2022. 33. 121-142
Keiichiro Shirai, Tatsuya Baba, Shunsuke Ono, Masahiro Okuda, Yusuke Tatesumi, Paul Perrotin. Guided Facial Skin Color Correction. Signals. 2021. 2. 3. 540-558
more... MISC (19): - 白井啓一郎, 小野峻佑, 奥田正浩. Minimization of Mixed Norm for Frequency Spectrum of Images and Its Application of Pattern Noise Decomposition. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2017. 116. 463(ITS2016 42-76). 275-280
Minimization of Mixed Norm for Frequency Spectrum of Images and Its Application of Pattern Noise Decomposition. 2017. 41. 5. 275-280
- 栗原竜司, 小野峻佑, 白井啓一郎, 奥田正浩. 空間-波長構造テンソルに基づくハイパースペクトル画像のための正則化. 信号処理シンポジウム講演論文集(CD-ROM). 2016. 31st. ROMBUNNO.A2-2
MORITA Ryosuke, SHIRAI Keiichiro, TANAKA Yuichi. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF RETARGETING PYRAMID AND ITS APPLICATIONS. IEICE technical report. Signal processing. 2015. 114. 474. 121-126
ONUKI Masaki, ONO Shunsuke, SHIRAI Keiichiro, TANAKA Yuichi. Fast image inpainting using Chebyshev polynomial approximation. IEICE technical report. Signal processing. 2015. 114. 474. 145-150
more... Lectures and oral presentations (77): -
Multiplexing Display using Vector Error Propagation and Smooth Active Shutter
(ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Emerging Technologies 2020)
ISHIGAKI Retrieval via Combinatorial Optimization
(ACM Multimedia (ACMMM) Workshop on Structuring Understand. Multimedia heritAge Contents (SUMAC) 2019)
(信号処理シンポジウム 276-281 2018)
(信号処理シンポジウム 270-275 2018)
Color affine subspace pursuit for color artifact removal
(Int. Conf. on Acoust. Speech Signal Process. (ICASSP) 2018)
more... Education (4): - 2003 - 2006 Keio university Graduate school of Science and Engineering Universal Design Engineering
- 2001 - 2003 Keio university Graduate school of Science and Engineering Universal Design Engineering
- 1997 - 2001 Keio university Faculty of Science and Engineering Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- 1996 - 1996 National Defense Academy of Japan Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (3): - Ph. D in Engineering (Keio University)
- M.E. (Keio University)
- B.E. (Keio University)
Work history (2): - 2017/04 - Dept. Elec. And Comput. Eng., Faculty Eng., Shinshu Univ., Associate prof.
- 2006/11 - Dept. Comput. Sci and Eng., Faculty Eng., Shinshu Univ., Assistant prof.
Committee career (6): Awards (2): - 2018 - 電子情報通信学会 スマート無線研究会 論文賞
- 2017 - 電子情報通信学会 画像工学研究会 IE賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
IEEE, signal process. soc.
, IEICE, SIP(signal process.), PRMU(pattern recognit. mach. understand.)
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