J-GLOBAL ID:200901038522792042
Update date: Sep. 12, 2024 Inose Takenori
Inose Takenori
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research keywords (2):
, Social Studies Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - The Development of Economic Education Program
MISC (197): -
Shintaro SEKI, Keiko TAKAHASHI, Takenori INOSE, NAOMI KASAI. Development and practice of an allowance book for elementary school students aiming for financial well-being: With a column to categorize the use of money. Abstracts of Annual Congress of The Japan Society of Home Economics. 2024. 76. 78
猪瀬 武則, 髙橋 桂子. 子どもの金融ケイパビリティ保障の意義 : ナッジとしての4つのスロットを持つ貯金箱の活用可能性-The Significance of Ensuring Children's Financial Capability : The Potential Use of the Money Savvy Pig as a Nudge. 経済教育 = The journal of economic education / 経済教育学会 編. 2023. 42. 159-172
猪瀬 武則. 経済的エージェンシーの発揮を企図した中学校社会科の授業開発 : ナッジとしてのカフェテリアプランの場合-Developing Junior High School Social Studies Lessons in which Students Perform Economic Agency : The Case of the Cafeteria Plan as a Nudge. 経済教育 = The journal of economic education / 経済教育学会 編. 2023. 42. 94-99
TAKAHASHI Keiko, ABE Shintaro, INOSE Takenori. The Effects of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitudes and Self-control on Financial Behavior among University Students: Comparative Study of Japan, US, and Korea. The Journal of Economic Education. 2022. 41. 41. 16-22
INOSE Takenori. Lesson Plans for Cultivating Economic Agency: Unit Structure and Contents. The Journal of Economic Education. 2022. 41. 41. 83-87
more... Books (15): - 環境教育と社会科
新しい「学びの様式」と教科の役割 2001
- Environmental Education and social studies
The new learning style and subject's role 2001
- 「私は何でも得意・・・でも」-国際貿易と稀少性-
経済教育研究会編(清水書院)『新しい経済教育のすすめ』 1997
- 「北風より太陽を」-資源・環境問題と稀少性-
経済教育研究会編(清水書院)『新しい経済教育のすすめ』 1997
- "I am Strong, but.....The International Trade and Scarcity"
"The Recommendation of New Economic Education" 1997
more... Professional career (2): Committee career (2): - 1996 - 全国社会科教育学会 評議員
- 経済学教育学会 幹事
Association Membership(s) (5):
International Association for Children's Social and Economics Education
, 公民教育学会
, 経済学教育学会
, 全国社会科教育学会
, 日本社会科教育学会
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