J-GLOBAL ID:200901039197050820
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Izuno Kazuyuki
イヅノ カズユキ | Izuno Kazuyuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Other affiliations (3): Homepage URL (1): http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/se/rv/izuno/ Research field (2):
Disaster prevention engineering
, Structural and seismic engineering
Research keywords (1):
Bridge, Earthquake response analysis, Tsunami, Seismic isolation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (44): - 2022 - 2025 Research on design of bridges against floods
- 2020 - 2022 Development of analytical methods at the interface between bridge engineering and sediment hydraulics
- 2017 - 2020 Safety improvement of bridges against flash flood associated with debris flow
- 2017 - 2020 Ground motion simulation for multi-fault event and mechanism of structual fatal damage due to ground motion duration
- 2017 - 2020 Deepen and expand a multi-scale and -physics tsunami disaster simulation
- 2014 - 2017 Improvement of bridge safety against tsunami and flood disaster
- 2014 - 2017 Strong Motion Simulation for Traugh Faults and Damage Mechanism of Structures Focusing on Strong Motion Duration
- 2014 - 2017 Multi-scale tsunami run-up analysis to extract local information contributing to disaster prevention from global tsunami propagation analysis
- 2011 - 2014 Development of Strong Motion Prediction Model for Huge Subduction Fault and Damage-Mechanism Analysis of Various Types of Structures
- 2011 - 2012 災害弱者を守る減災システムと防災ユニバーサルデザインの提案
- 2010 - 2012 A system for disaster mitigation and universal designs developed from the viewpoint of people who are vulnerable to disasters
- 2011 - 2011 自然災害から人や町を守ろう~防災工学入門~
- 2011 - 2011 電磁波レーダーによる木質構造部材の内部劣化判定技術の開発
- 2010 - 2011 災害弱者を守る減災システムと防災ユニバーサルデザインの提案
- 2009 - 2011 Design of a bridge link system against tsunami
- 2010 - 2010 自然災害から人や町を守ろう~防災工学入門~
- 2009 - 2009 自然災害から人や町を守ろう~防災工学入門~
- 2009 - 2009 津波に対する橋梁の安全性確保を目的とした高度数値解析技術の開発
- 2005 - 2008 Development and application of passive negative stiffness seismic dampers generating apparent nonlinear structural systems
- 2005 - 2007 Evaluation of necessary capacity and development of dynamic design method for unseting prevention cables of bridges with shock absorbing devices
- 2003 - 2004 Seismic design of unseating prevention system for bridges
- 2001 - 2001 地震時落橋防止システムの極限設計法の開発
- 2000 - 2001 Development of sliding bearing system for multi-level earthquake motions
- 1999 - 2001 Development of Seismic Isolation and Seismic Response Control Technologies for the Damage Control of Structures using Performance-Based Design
- 1998 - 1999 Ductility demand seismic design of the curved rigid-frame bridge at the highway ramp
- 1996 - 1996 免震機構を有する都市交通橋梁に関する信頼性評価
- 1995 - 1995 超弾性合金を用いたダンパーによる橋脚の地震時反力分散効果に関する研究
- 1994 - 1994 形状記憶合金の超弾性効果を利用した橋梁の耐震補強シミュレーション
- 1994 - 1994 鉄筋コンクリート中空断面高橋脚の耐震安全性に関する基礎的研究
- 1993 - 1993 形状記憶合金の超弾性効果を用いた免震ダンパーの地震応答シミュレーション
- 1992 - 1992 リアルタイムサブストラクチャーハイブリッド実験手法による能動的制振機構の開発
- 1992 - 1992 内陸性近距離型地震による推積軟弱地盤での強震動非線形増幅持性
- 1991 - 1991 都市基盤施設の震害の相互連関と復旧支援システムに関する研究
- 1990 - 1991 Earthquake Resistant Design Method of Inelastic Structures with Earthquake Energy Partioning
- 1990 - 1991 Verification of Nonlinear Ground Motion Amplification Factor based on
- 1990 - 1991 Development of Substructured Hybrid Loading System and Ultimate State of Composite Structural Members
- 1990 - 1990 都市基盤施設の震害復旧支援システムに関する研究
- 1989 - 1989 都市部における修復RC構造物の耐震性評価に関する基礎的研究
- 1988 - 1989 Development of A Program for Inelastic Earthquake Response Analysis of 3-D RC Frame Structures
- 1988 - 1989 Optimization of Earthquake Energy Partitioning in Base Isolated and Dynamically Damped Structures
- 1988 - 1989 Engineering Properties of Long-Period Earthquake Motion
- 1987 - 1989 Limit States of Civil Engineering Structures under Combined Loads
- 1986 - 1987 Hubrid Experiments on Allowable Earthquake Energy Partioning of Hysteretic Structures
- 1986 - 1986 長期現地報道からみたメキシコ都市震害と復旧過程における問題点
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Papers (173): -
Kohei MORIKAWA, Yuma KAWASAKI, Yasutoshi NOMURA, Kazuyuki IZUNO. Internal Damage Detection for Rubber Bearings Using Machine Learning Methods. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2024. 24. 4. 4_26-4_35
Yuma Kawasaki, Kensuke Ueda, Kazuyuki Izuno. AE source location of debonding steel-rod inserted and adhered inside rubber. Construction and Building Materials. 2021. 279
Yuko Ishida, Shoki Takayama, Kazuyuki Izuno, Yoshifumi Satofuka, Taizo Kobayashi, Ryoichi Fukagawa. PREVENTION OF SOIL OUTFLOW FROM THE GROUND AROUND BRIDGE ABUTMENT USING CEMENT SOIL STABILIZATION. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATE. 2020. 19. 71. 1-8
- Hajime Kawasaki, Kazuyuki Izuno. Anti-tsunami measures for bridges using partial fairings. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2019. 19. 5. 5_184-5_191
- Yuuki Nose, Kazuyuki Izuno, Yuma Kawasaki. Numerical simulation for detecting internal void of seismic rubber bearing. Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering. 2019. 19. 5. 5_283-5_293
more... MISC (59): - 大屋朋子, 浅井光輝, 伊津野和行, 磯部大吾郎. 粒子法による流体剛体連成解析法による橋梁流出シミュレーションとV&V. 日本機械学会計算力学講演会論文集(CD-ROM). 2016. 29th. ROMBUNNO.103
- 大屋朋子, 浅井光輝, 伊津野和行, 磯部大吾郎. 粒子法による流体剛体連成解析の精度検証と妥当性確認. 土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2016. 71st. ROMBUNNO.I-006
竹田周平, 伊津野和行, 中尾尚史. Valuation of Fluid Velocity Based on the Experiment Focused on Tsunami. 福井工業大学研究紀要(CD-ROM). 2016. 46
- 大屋朋子, 浅井光輝, 伊津野和行, 磯部大吾郎. 粒子法による流体剛体連成解析の定式化の差異による精度確認. 日本機械学会計算力学講演会論文集(CD-ROM). 2015. 28th. ROMBUNNO.285
Kazuyuki Izuno. Disaster reduction of bridges for flood and tsunami. Katayama Technical Report, Katayama Stratech Co., Ltd. 2014. 34. 2-9
more... Books (21): - Acoustic Emission and Related Non-destructive Evaluation Techniques in the Fracture Mechanics of Concrete
Elsevier 2015 ISBN:9781782423270
- Numerical Analysis using Excel (in Japanese)
Morikita Publishing Co., Ltd. 2014 ISBN:9784627096318
- Textbook on Disaster Mitigation for Cultural Heritage (in Japanese)
Gakugei Shuppan 2013 ISBN:9784761525491
- Collection of reports on Japanese Natural Disasters, Earthquakes Vol. 2 (in Japanese)
Kress Shuppan 2013 ISBN:9784877337308
- Collection of reports on Japanese Natural Disasters, Earthquakes Vol. 1 (in Japanese)
Kress Shuppan 2012 ISBN:9784877336974
more... Lectures and oral presentations (248): -
Anti-tsunami measures for bridges using partial fairings
(The 15th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium 2018)
Analytical study on detecting internal void of seismic rubber bearing
(The 15th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium 2018)
Effect of pickup behavior during tsunami disasters on evacuation time
(The 15th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium 2018)
Nonlinear finite element analysis of the composite structures in sewage facilities in consideration of dynamic interaction
(The 15th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium 2018)
Impact elastic wave method to detect damaged area between steel jacket and concrete
(Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2018 Annual Meeting 2018)
more... Works (13): -
Introduction to seismic design of structures
2017 - 2017
Reconnaissance report on bridge damage due to 2017 floods in Kyushu
2017 -
Beautiful and strong bridges
2016 - 2016
Earthquake damage of Tsujun bridge during 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
2016 - 2016
Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 62A
2016 - 2016
more... Education (2): - - 1984 Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering Course of Civil Engineering
- - 1982 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto University)
Work history (3): - 2001/04/01 - Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
- 1993/04/01 - 2001/03/31 Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
- 1984/04/01 - 1993/03/31 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Committee career (13): - 2018/07 - 2020/06 土木学会 論文集編集委員会・A1分冊編集小委員会委員
- 2016/07 - 2020/03 阪神高速道路技術センター 耐震技術検討委員会委員長
- 2011/04 - 2020/03 NPO関西インフラ維持管理-大学コンソーシアム 理事
- 2008/04 - 2020/03 日本自然災害学会 論文集編集委員
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 土木学会 論文賞選考委員会・教育部門副主査(2017)主査(2018)
- 2015/06 - 2019/03 京都市 総合評価方式及びプロポーザル等に係るアドバイザー
- 2015/06 - 2017/05 土木学会 地震工学委員会橋梁の対津波設計に関する研究小委員会委員長
- 2011/04 - 2017/03 日本自然災害学会 評議員
- 2015/05 - 2016/03 土木学会関西支部 技術賞選考委員会委員長
- 2012/11 - 2014/10 大阪府 防災会議専門委員(南海トラフ巨大地震土木構造物耐震対策検討部会)
- 2011/04 - 2012/03 奈良県 橋梁耐震計画策定委員会委員長
- 2008/04 - 2011/03 土木学会 地震工学委員会免震・制震小委員会委員長
- 2000/04 - 2002/03 土木学会 論文集編集委員会・第I部門編集小委員会委員
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Association Membership(s) (3):
Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science
, Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering
, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
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