J-GLOBAL ID:200901039262125175
Update date: Feb. 22, 2025 Shimizu Akifumi
シミズ アキフミ | Shimizu Akifumi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1): http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~vor-dem-gesetz/index.html Research field (1):
Plant genetics and breeding
Research keywords (15):
, 発現遺伝子解析
, 遺伝解析
, ファイトレメデーション
, 酸性硫酸塩土壌
, 鉄過剰害
, 低pH
, リン酸欠乏
, イネ
, Phytoremedation
, Acid sulfate soil
, Iron toxicity
, low-pH
, Phosphorus deficiency
, Rice
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2021 - 2024 低肥料で持続可能なイネ生産に役立つ遺伝子探索と、深層学習による新形質分類法の確立
- 2018 - 2021 Study of rice genetic loci and their interactions, which contributes to the breakthrough of the limit of yield at low-fertilizer environment.
- 2014 - 2017 Genome wide analysis for breeding of tolerant rice cultivars to unfertilized paddy field.
- 2010 - 2012 Isolation and functional analysis of acid soil tolerance genes in rice, which are useful for genome based breeding of environmentally sustainable varieties.
- 2007 - 2008 大規模EST情報からの遺伝子発現パターンを利用した有用遺伝子の探索手法の開発
- 2008 - 地力窒素と土壌固定リンの吸収能力に優れたイネの選抜と育種
- 2003 - 2007 酸性適応植物の分子生物学的解析
- 2007 - 環境保全型農業のための、イネのリン欠乏ストレス応答形質の単離と機能解析
- 2003 - 2006 Molecular biological analysis of acid soil adapted plants
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Papers (7): -
Bright G Adu, Aizelle Y S Argete, Sakiko Egawa, Astushi J Nagano, Akifumi Shimizu, Yoshihiro Ohmori, Toru Fujiwara. A Koshihikari x Oryza rufipogon Introgression Line with a High Capacity to Take Up Nitrogen to Maintain Growth and Panicle Development Under Low Nitrogen Conditions. Plant & cell physiology. 2022
Masaru KOBAYASHI, Hiroyuki KOYAMA, Toshihiro WATANABE, Eriko MAEJIMA, Anongnat SRIPRACHOTE, Kumiko OCHIAI, Akifumi SHIMIZU, Motohiko KONDO, Yoshiko IIZUMI, Takeshi WATANABE, et al. How can plant nutrition contribute to solving soil problems in tropical Asia?. Jap. J. Soil Sci.Plant Nutri,. 2017. 88. 4. 346-351
清水 顕史. IV-3 熱帯アジア地域の問題土壌と農業生産 連続無施肥水田を利用した、イネ収量形質の全ゲノム関連解析(シンポジウム,2016年度佐賀大会). 日本土壌肥料学会講演要旨集. 2016. 62. 208-208
Aki Kosugi, Jun Tamaru, Kazumi Gotou, Hazuka Y. Furihata, Akifumi Shimizu, Akira Kawabe, Emiko Harada. Metal accumulation by Arabidopsis halleri subsp gemmifera at a limestone mining site. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 2015. 63. 1-2. 134-140
Julio Cesar, Masaru Iehisa, Akifumi Shimizu, Kazuhiro Sato, Ryo Nishijima, Kouhei Sakaguchi, Ryusuke Matsuda, Shuhei Nasuda, Shigeo Takumi. Genome-wide marker development for the wheat D genome based on single nucleotide polymorphisms identified from transcripts in the wild wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii. Theor. Appl. Genet. 2014. 127. 261. 271
more... MISC (32): -
TAKAYANAGI Shu, TAKAGI Yuma, SHIMIZU Akifumi, HASEGAWA Hiroshi. The shoot is important for high-affinity, nitrate uptake in Egeria densa, a submerged vascular plant. Journal of plant research. 2012. 125. 5. 669-678
Hamada Kazuki, Yokoyama Kouji, Tsuchida Hiroko, Sano Kazumi, Mochizuki Takako, Oki Nobuhiko, Horiuchi Youko, Fujita Masahiro, Watanabe Masao, Matsuoka Makoto, et al. OryzaExpress: An Integration Database for Functional Annotations and Gene Expression Networks in Rice. Plant and Cell Physiology Supplement. 2011. 2011. 0. 826-826
- Kazuki Hamada, Kohei Hongo, Keita Suwabe, Akifumi Shimizu, Taishi Nagayama, Reina Abe, Shunsuke Kikuchi, Naoki Yamamoto, Takaaki Fujii, Koji Yokoyama, et al. OryzaExpress: An Integrated Database of Gene Expression Networks and Omics Annotations in Rice. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2011. 52. 2. 220-229
濱田和輝, 本郷耕平, 諏訪部圭太, 清水顕史, 長山大志, 阿部伶奈, 菊地俊介, 山本直樹, 藤井貴朗, 横山幸治, et al. OryzaExpress:イネの遺伝子発現ネットワークとオミックス情報統合データベース. 育種学研究. 2011. 13
more... Books (2): - Proceedings of the Final International Meeting for 21th Century Center for Excellence (COE) Program, “Development of New Bioremediation Systems of Acid Sulfate Soil for Agriculture and Forestry"
SHOUKADOH Book Sellers 2008 ISBN:9784879746085
- Brassicas and Legumes. From Genome Structure to Breeding . Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry , Vol. 52
Springer 2003 ISBN:9783540427285
Professional career (1): - Ph.D(Agriculture) (Kyoto University)
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本土壌肥料学会
, 日本育種学会
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