J-GLOBAL ID:200901039853418473
Update date: Feb. 20, 2025 Dutka Małgorzata
ドゥトカ マウゴジャータ | Dutka Małgorzata
Research field (5):
History - General
, History - Japan
, History of thought
, Aesthetics and art studies
, Japanese language education
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2003 - 2006 The effects of social change on the stability and malleability of the self-concept-from the viewpoint of cross-cultural comparison between eastern Europe and Japan
Papers (9): -
Dutka Malgorzata. Formation of "ten-chi-jin" and "triangle shape" discourse in pre-war ikebana image. MATANI RONSHU. 2024. 18. 105-126
Malgorzata Dutka. Discourse introducing ikebana in the early Meiji period. 2020. 8. 34-52
Malgorzata Dutka. The Discourse of "Kokugo-ka" and the Nationalism in the Twenties of the Meiji Period. Bulletin of Koshien University College of Humanities. 2004. 8(C). 35-58
Malgorzata Dutka. Education of ”Spoken Language” and Formation of "National Language" in the Shogakko-rei Period. Bulletin of Koshien University College of Humanities. 2003. 7(C). 45-61
Malgorzata Dutka. The "Mind Development" and Methods of Upbringing "the Nation". Bulletin of Koshien University College of Humanities. 2002. 6(C). 17-40
more... MISC (5): -
リリアンナ・ナレヴァイスカ, マウゴジャータ・ドゥトカ訳. 避難民危機におけるポーランドの図書館の対応. 図書館雑誌. 2023. 117. 11. 710-711
国立劇場近代歌舞伎年表編纂室編. 近代歌舞伎年表 名古屋篇 第十七巻. 2023
国立劇場近代歌舞伎年表編纂室編. 近代歌舞伎年表 名古屋篇 第十六巻. 2022
Malgorzata Dutka. Forma wolnosci. 2018. 6. 93-97
マウゴジャータ ドゥトカ. 地元で躍る (『豊中リレーエッセー ゆめ・まち・ひと』所集). 2011
Books (4): - Ikebana : dzieje, myśl, percepcja
Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Orientalistyczny 2023 ISBN:9788396362605
- Coin locker babies
2009 ISBN:9788324708130
- Pismo japonskie tom 1
Nozomi 2007
- A Fading tradition - Ise-Katagami and Kimono
manngha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology 2006 ISBN:8392440730
Lectures and oral presentations (7): -
Japanese flower arrangementのメリットはなにか? 戦前期欧米にみる「花十徳」の受容と変容
(国債いけ花学会主催シンポジウム「世界の中のいけ花」 2024)
”Prayer” and ”commemoration” expressed by ikebana on votive tablets ema from modern period
(The 18th Annual Days of Japan at the University of Warsaw International Conference ”Religions in Japan The Heritage of the Past and Contemporary Challenges 2024)
From "Art" to "Way" - The development of ikebana image in the writings of Alfred Koehn
(日本語日本文化教育研究会 2024)
The invention of Japanese culture abroad: presentation of ikebana by foreigners in the early Meiji period
(The 17th Annual Days of Japan at the University of Warsaw 2023)
more... Education (6): - 2023 - 現在 Osaka University
- 2013 - 2015 Toyo University Faculty of Literature Department of Japanese Literature and Culture
- 1990 - 1996 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- 1988 - 1990 Okayama University
- 1986 - 1988 Okayama University Faculty of Law
- 1981 - 1986 Uniwersytet Warszawski Wydzial Neofilologii Instytut Orientalistyczny Sekcja Japonistyki
Show all
Professional career (2): - (BLANK)
- magister filologii orientalnej)
Work history (6): Committee career (3): - 2021/04 - 現在 国際いけ花学会 理事
- 2005/10 - 2007/08 伊勢型紙ポーランド展実行委員会 委員長
- 1999/05 - 1999/12 ポーランドフェスタ関西実行委員会 副委員長
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本語日本文化教育研究会
, 日本比較文化学会
, 日本図書館協会
, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Badan Japonistycznych
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