J-GLOBAL ID:200901040279301765   Update date: Apr. 04, 2024

Yamaki Keiko

Yamaki Keiko
Homepage URL  (2): http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/detail/edbbb0491e27c7ea39b57059d19de53f.htmlhttp://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/e_detail/edbbb0491e27c7ea39b57059d19de53f.html
Research field  (1): Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (18):
  • 2017 - 2020 感染根管フローラの構造と機能解析-バイオインフォマティクスの歯内治療への応用
  • 2013 - 2016 Evaluation of intracanal biota using metagenomics - a new strategy for endodontic treatment
  • 2011 - 2013 Profiling of Microbiota in Infected Root Canals Utilizing Metagenomic and Bioplorer Analyses: Their Clinical Application to the Evaluation of the Outcomes of Endodontic Treatment
  • 2010 - 2012 Development of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Apical Periodontitis based on the Profiling of Intra-canal Microflora
  • 2008 - 2010 Development of novel microflora-profiling methods of infected root canals and their application to endodontic therapy
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Papers (21):
  • Keiko Yamaki, Toru Tamahara, Jumpei Washio, Takuichi Sato, Ritsuko Shimizu, Satoru Yamada. Intracanal microbiome profiles of two apical periodontitis cases in one patient: A comparison with saliva and plaque profiles. Clinical and experimental dental research. 2024. 10. 2. e862
  • Hiroto Sano, Anna Wakui, Miho Kawachi, Jumpei Washio, Yuki Abiko, Gen Mayanagi, Keiko Yamaki, Kaori Tanaka, Nobuhiro Takahashi, Takuichi Sato. Profiling system of oral microbiota utilizing polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Journal of Oral Biosciences. 2021
  • Anna Wakui, Hiroto Sano, Yuka Hirabuki, Miho Kawachi, Ayaka Aida, Jumpei Washio, Yuki Abiko, Gen Mayanagi, Keiko Yamaki, Kaori Tanaka, et al. Profiling of Microbiota at the Mouth of Bottles and in Remaining Tea after Drinking Directly from Plastic Bottles of Tea. Dentistry Journal. 2021. 9. 6. 58-58
  • Anna Wakui, Hiroto Sano, Miho Kawachi, Ayaka Aida, Yuta Takenaka, Akane Yonezawa, Nana Nakahata, Sachie Moriyama, Mayumi Nishikata, Jumpei Washio, et al. Bacterial concentration and composition in liquid baby formula and a baby drink consumed with an artificial nipple. Journal of Oral Biosciences. 2021
  • 河内 美帆, 丸山 伸吾, 枡田 菜々子, 佐野 拓人, 涌井 杏奈, 八巻 惠子, 鷲尾 純平, 高橋 信博, 佐藤 拓一. 口腔内細菌叢解析システム PCR-RFLP法によるプロファイリング. Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement. 2020. 2020. 393-393
MISC (46):
Lectures and oral presentations  (11):
  • 蛍光フィルターを利用した、感染根管内細菌の迅速定量検出法
    (第22回日本歯科医学会総会 2012)
  • 口腔バイオフィルムの分子生物学的プロファイリング
    (第22回日本歯科医学会総会 2012)
  • 二次性咬合性外傷による高度な歯周組織破壊に対しGTR法を適応した症例
    (第55回日本歯周病学会春季学術大会 2012)
  • 感染根管内細菌叢のpyrosequencing法によるメタゲノム解析
    (第53回歯科基礎医学会 2011)
  • Change in infected root canal microflora during the course of root canal therapy
    (第4回インターフェイス口腔健康科学国際シンポジウム 2011)
Education (1):
  • - 1983 Tohoku University Faculty of Dentistry 歯学科
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(歯学) (Tohoku University)
Association Membership(s) (3):
International Association for Dental Research(1995/03-) ,  The Japanese society of periodontology(1989/09-) ,  The Japanese society of conservative dentistry (1983/08-)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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