Research field (2):
Local studies
, Physical anthropology
Research keywords (2):
, Area Studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (24):
2021 - 2025 人と野生動物との適切な距離に関する生態史研究
2020 - 2025 Anthropological study on the acquisition of skills, improving proficiency and sharing of tacit knowledge
2016 - 2021 "African Potential" and overcoming the difficulties of modern world: Comprehensive area studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity
2015 - 2018 Study on the vernacularity of forest ecological resources and global domestication
2013 - 2017 Bio- and agro-diversity in oil-palm-based anthropogenic landscapes in Tropical Africa
2011 - 2016 Comprehensive Area Studies on Coexistence and Conflict Resolution Realizing the African Potentials
2012 - 2015 How can local communities contribute to the success of international regimes?
2009 - 2014 Socio-ecological and genetical study of the evolution of life histories of lemur species
2011 - 2013 ギニアにおけるヒト-チンパンジー関係の比較民族誌と生態学
2010 - 2012 Historical ecology of peri-village forest patches in tropical West Africa
2007 - 2010 Formation of African Local Knowledge and their Positive Practice : Area Studies Aproach
2006 - 2010 Ecological History of Human Activities and Environmental Change in African Tropical Forest
2007 - 2009 Construction of a Database for Integrated Area Studies using Virtual Earth Models
2006 - 2008 Landscape formation around sacred forests and conservation of bio- and cultural diversity in West Africa.
2005 - 2008 Studies on Bushmeat Hunting and Use in Tropical Africa
2004 - 2007 Research on human security of resident who lives with tropical forests
2003 - 2005 熱帯アフリカ地域における野生大型動物と地域住民との共存に関する多面的研究
1998 - 2000 Comparative studies of behavior and ecology among West-African chimpanzees.
1998 - 1999 野生チンパンジーの道具使用行動の地域差
1995 - 1997 Eco-ethology of West-African Chimpanzees and Other Primates
Community-based Wildlife Conservation in West African Landscape.
Evolution of Feeding Techniques and Tool Use in Primates
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Papers (46):
Ryoma Otsuka, Gen Yamakoshi, Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka. Tourist expectations and satisfaction in mountain gorilla tourism in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Ugandaa. JOURNAL OF ECOTOURISM. 2023. 22. 2. 329-338
Yamakoshi G. African potentials in Guinean anthropogenic landscapes: Land use, wildlife conservation and environmental politics. In: ‘African Potentials’ for Wildlife Conservation and Natural Resource Management. (T. Meguro, C. Ito, K. Kirigia, eds.). 2021. 175-192
Ryoma Otsuka, Gen Yamakoshi. Analyzing the popularity of YouTube videos that violate mountain gorilla tourism regulations. PloS one. 2020. 15. 5. e0232085
Gen Yamakoshi. A history of the distance between humans and wildlife. In: Others: The Evolution of Human Sociality (K Kawai, ed.). Kyoto University Press, Kyoto. 2019. 347-364
Gen Yamakoshi. The origin of tool-using behavior and human evolution. In: An Anthropology of Things (I Tokoro, K Kawai, eds.). Kyoto University Press, Kyoto. 2018. 207-221
山越 言. ヒトと野生動物との適切な距離とは?-Questions of adequate distance between humans and wildlife. ヒトと動物の関係学会誌 = Japanese journal of human animal relations. 2021. 60. 6-8
大坂桃子, 平木雅, 半谷吾郎, 山越言. Can people and Japanese macaques get along well in close proximity?: Crop-raiding in Yakushima. 野生生物と社会学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2021. 26th (Web)
Ant fishing in trees: invention and modification of a new tool-use behavior.
(The Chimpanzees of Bossou and Nimba) (ed. Matsuzawa T, et al.) p.123-130 Tokyo: Springer. 2011