J-GLOBAL ID:200901040694543308
Update date: Aug. 28, 2022 Keika Atsuyoshi
ケイカ アツヨシ | Keika Atsuyoshi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (2):
, Oriental History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 中国近世における宗教と地域社会
- Religion and Regional Society during Early modern China.
MISC (30): -
山西からみた元初の仏教ー寺院の連繋と法会とー. 大谷大学史学論究. 2004. 9. 1-23
Early Yuan Buddhism in Shanxi The -Liaison between Temples and Buddhist Ceremonies-. OTANIDAIGAKU SHIGAKURONKYU. 2004. 9. 1-23
「北支開教監督部北平別院引揚報告」について. 大谷大学史学論究. 2000. 6
宋金代山西の寺院. 大谷大学研究年報. 2000. 52. 45-102
Temples in Shanxi during the Song and Jin Dynasties. THE ANNUAL REPORT OF RESEARCHES OF OTANI UNIVERSITY. 2000. 52. 52. 45-102
more... Books (2): - 中国における真宗大谷派開教
アジアの開教と教育(法蔵館) 1992
- Missionary Activities of the SHINSYU OTANIHA in China.
Education (4): - - 1979 Otani University Graduate School
- - 1979 Otani University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1974 Otani University Faculty of Letters
- - 1974 Otani University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (5):
, 仏教史学会
, 東洋史研究会
, 東方学会
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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