Research keywords (4):
, 異文化間教育
, International Student Education
, Intercultural Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2021 - 2026 Cross-cultural social skills for global human resources: Toward adjustment support for frontier studying abroad
2013 - 2016 Developing cross-cultural eating education for interdisciplinaryl students in Japan: Interdesciprinary fusion of health education and inter-cultural educationrom
2013 - 2015 日本人海外留学生対象の異文化間教育に食の健康教育を導入する試み
2009 - 2011 留学後のケアを目的とする自助グループ活動システムの開発と介入実践
2008 - 2010 Comparative Study on Student Exchange to Japan and non-English Speaking EU Countries
Fujimoto, T, Takahama, A, Ara, Y, Isshiki, Y, Nakaya, T, Yamauchi, Y. Designing a MOOC as an online community to encourage international students to study abroad. EDUCATIONAL MEDIA INTERNATIONAL. 2018. 55. 4. 333-346
髙濵愛, 藤本徹. 日本留学希望者を対象としたMOOC「Studying at Japanese Universities」の開講後の展開について-定性的な側面に焦点を当てて-. ウェブマガジン『留学交流』2017年4月号. 2017. 16-27
髙濵愛, 藤本徹. 日本留学希望者のためのMOOC「Studying at Japanese Universities」の開発-MOOCを活用した留学生獲得と留学準備教育の展開-. ウェブマガジン『留学交流』2016年9月号. 2016. 30-37
Research note on Dietary Life of Korean University Students : Eating patterns and cognition of the problem. 2015. 14. 109-117
Awareness and Behavior about Eating in Japanese Students : As a Contrast Group for Developing Cross-cultural Dietary Education for International Students in Japan. 2014. 13. 115-121
Changes in Dietary Habits of Mexican Students in Japan : Exploring Dietary Education from Food and Health Details before and after Coming to Japan. 2014. 8. 190-205
Intensive Learning of American Social Skills in Preparation for Studying in the U.S.(4)Focusing on Three Intermediate Skills. 2013. 60. 29-45
Study abroad preparation education for university students planning to study abroad : Social skills learning in the general education course called Study Abroad Skills Training in the fiscal year 2011. 2013. 4. 87-96
Supporting Readaptation and Career Development of Students Who Have Returned from Their Study Abroad: Development and Implementation of Self-Help Group as Post-Study-Abroad Education
東信堂 2023 ISBN:9784798917931
Works (2):
2009 - 2011
2007 - 2009
Education (2):
スタンフォード大学大学院 教育学研究科
Stanford University Graduate School of Education
Professional career (1):
M.A. (Stanford University)
Work history (7):
2020/04 - 現在 Juntendo University Faculty of International Liberal Arts
2017 - 現在 東京都立大学(旧首都大学東京) 国際センター 非常勤講師
2016 - 現在 Nippon Medical School
2016 - 2020 The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies
2010 - 2014 一橋大学法学研究科 講師
2008 - 2009 Shizuoka University International Center