J-GLOBAL ID:200901040711421980
Update date: Dec. 16, 2024 Toshihiko Torigoe
トリゴエ トシヒコ | Toshihiko Torigoe
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://web.sapmed.ac.jp/patho1/research/report02.html Research field (5):
Experimental pathology
, Cell biology
, Human pathology
, Tumor diagnostics and therapeutics
, Tumor biology
Research keywords (5):
Autoimmunity, Autoantibody, Inflammation
, Cancer Stem Cell, Oncogene, Tumor Suppressor
, Immunopathology, Human Pathology
, Cellular Stress Response, Heat Shock Protein, Molecular Chaperone
, Cancer Immunity, Immunotherapy, Vaccine, T-cell Therapy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (35): - 2023 - 2026 A study of computer aided diagnosis system of cervical cytology using deep learning.
- 2021 - 2025 Comprehensive analysis of T-cell receptor ligand by using pHLA multimer library
- 2020 - 2023 development of combined immunotherapy targeting ero1 in triple negative breast cancer
- 2020 - 2023 乳癌の転移巣を伴うリンパ節内のT-cellにおける免疫応答
- 2018 - 2021 Identification of mutation-derived spliced peptides
- 2017 - 2021 Novel vaccination targeting stem cells of cervical cancer
- 2017 - 2020 Basic research on the immunohistological categorization of tumor microenvironment
- 2016 - 2019 Functional recovery following intravenous infusion of mesenchymal stem cells in experimental spinal cord injury
- 2016 - 2019 Mechanism of the ILC2 activation in bronchial asthma regulated by deltaNp63-related epimmunome
- 2015 - 2018 Establishment of novel chemoimmunotherapy for urothelial cancer
- 2014 - 2017 Target therapy for high grade glioma by using specific antibody against glioma stem cell
- 2014 - 2016 ヒトナチュラルペプチドレパートリー解析による基盤的がん抗原探索
- 2013 - 2016 Classification of the cell hierarchy structure by single cell transcriptome
- 2013 - 2015 The development of novel treatment and analysis of genes involving invasion ability for muscle invasive bladder cancer
- 2012 - 2015 Developing a novel vaccine therapy targeting cancer stem cells
- 2011 - 2013 Establishment of prophylactic vaccination for bladder cancer
- 2010 - 2011 Development of the vaccinotherapy with HDAC inhibitor regulating immunoescape
- 2009 - 2011 Molecular immunopathology of human cancer stem cell
- 2009 - 2011 Basic studies for the immune responses against cancer stem cells of sold tumors
- 2008 - 2009 免疫逃避克服による新規癌ペプチドワクチン療法の確立
- 2006 - 2009 免疫・癌の個性診断を可能とするレクチン/抗体複合型診断医薬品の開発
- 2006 - 2007 Cancer Immunotherapy, targets Survivin, and Establishment of Evaluation Methods of Therapeutic Effects
- 2006 - 2007 高い有効性を誘導するための新たなる癌ペプチドワクチン療法適応決定因子の確立
- 2005 - 2006 蛋白質品質管理システムによる生体防御制御の分子メカニズム
- 2004 - 2006 Immune response and escape in human cancers
- 2003 - 2004 生体制御システムにおける細胞内蛋白質品質管理システムの役割
- 2003 - 2004 70hscの基質抗原ペプチド結合モチーフ解析
- 2002 - 2002 細胞内蛋白質品質管理システムによる免疫制御機構の解明
- 1999 - 2001 Cloning ofagene encoding 70 kDa heat shock protein expressed on the cell surface of mammalian cells
- 2000 - 2000 HIVによるMHC class I発現抑制機序の解明と免疫応答の賦活化戦略
- 1998 - 1998 網膜芽細胞腫蛋白質Rbを介した細胞周期制御における分子シャペロンHSP70の機能
- 微小重力環境の細胞生物学
- 神経筋変性疾患の病態形成における分子シャペロンの役割
- ストレス蛋白質による免疫制御
- 免疫系による腫瘍拒絶機構の解明と癌免疫治療の開発
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Papers (413): -
Kanta Hori, Shuhei Yamada, Kenji Murata, Haruka Miyata, Yuka Mizue, Aiko Murai, Tomoyuki Minowa, Kenta Sasaki, Naoki Shijubou, Terufumi Kubo, et al. Establishment of potent TCR-T cells specific for cisplatin-resistance related tumor-associated antigen, CLSPN using codon-optimization. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics. 2024. 20. 1. 2414542-2414542
Minami Fusagawa, Serina Tokita, Kenji Murata, Tasuku Mariya, Mina Umemoto, Shintaro Sugita, Kazuhiko Matsuo, Yoshihiko Hirohashi, Tsuyoshi Saito, Takayuki Kanaseki, et al. Identification and phenotypic characterization of neoantigen-specific cytotoxic CD4+ T cells in endometrial cancer. Cancer Immunology Research. 2024
Tomoyuki Minowa, Kenji Murata, Yuka Mizue, Aiko Murai, Munehide Nakatsugawa, Kenta Sasaki, Serina Tokita, Terufumi Kubo, Takayuki Kanaseki, Tomohide Tsukahara, et al. Single-cell profiling of acral melanoma infiltrating lymphocytes reveals a suppressive tumor microenvironment. Science translational medicine. 2024. 16. 776. eadk8832
Serina Tokita, Takayuki Kanaseki, Toshihiko Torigoe. Neoantigen prioritization based on antigen processing and presentation. Frontiers in Immunology. 2024. 15
Serina Tokita, Minami Fusagawa, Satoru Matsumoto, Tasuku Mariya, Mina Umemoto, Yoshihiko Hirohashi, Fumitake Hata, Tsuyoshi Saito, Takayuki Kanaseki, Toshihiko Torigoe. Identification of immunogenic HLA class I and II neoantigens using surrogate immunopeptidomes. Science advances. 2024. 10. 38. eado6491
more... MISC (286): -
染谷正則, 長谷川智一, 北川未央, 土屋高旭, 眞船翔, 後町俊夫, 池内佑太郎, 金関貴幸, 鳥越俊彦, 坂田耕一. 化学放射線療法+免疫療法を行った3期切除不能非小細胞肺癌における,末梢血リンパ細胞のTCRレパトア解析. 日本免疫治療学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2023. 20th
鳥越俊彦. Advances of cancer immunotherapy: pan-cancer rationale and perspectives. 札幌冬季がんセミナー. 2023. 37th
和田朝香, 九冨五郎, 廣橋良彦, 田村保明, 島宏彰, 空閑陽子, 鳥越俊彦, 竹政伊知朗. 上皮間葉系細胞転換(EMT)促進因子を標的とする新規乳癌治療. 日本外科学会定期学術集会(Web). 2023. 123rd
安部紘生, 梶原由規, 望月早月, 神藤英二, 岡本耕一, 阿尾理一, 永田健, 廣橋良彦, 鳥越俊彦, 岸庸二, et al. 大腸癌の癌関連線維芽細胞とがん幹細胞性の関連におけるPeriostinの役割-抗Periostin抗体OC-20を用いたDesmoplastic Reaction分類別の検討. 日本外科学会定期学術集会(Web). 2023. 123rd
小林進, 金関貴幸, 時田芹奈, 鳥越俊彦, 柿崎秀宏. Human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) antigens are presented by HLA class I of renal cell carcinoma. 日本泌尿器科学会総会(Web). 2023. 110th
more... Patents (56): Education (1): - 1978 - 1984 National Defense Medical College Medical Science
Professional career (1): Work history (10): - 2015/10 - 現在 Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine Professor
- 2015/10 - 現在 Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine Medical Sciences Professor
- 2004/10 - 2015/10 Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine Associate Professor
- 1997/11 - 2015/10 Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine Medical Sciences Assistant Professor and Associate Professor
- 1993/08 - 1997/11 Japan Self Defense Force Sapporo General Hospital Division of Surgical Pathology Pathologist
- 1984/03 - 1997/11 Japan Air Self Defense Force Flight Surgeon
- 1992/08 - 1993/08 La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation, CA, USA Cancer Research Center Research Fellow
- 1990/08 - 1992/08 University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Research Fellow
- 1986/10 - 1990/10 Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine Medical Sciences Research Student
- 1984/06 - 1986/06 National Defense Medical College Hospital Clinical Resident
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Awards (10): - 2023/02 - Hokkaido Prefecture Hokkaido Scientific Technology Prize
- 2022/09 - The Akiyama Life Science Foundation The Akiyama Foundation Prize
- 2014 - Ono Cancer Research Foundation Research Grant
- 2014 - NOASTEC Foundation Research and Development Grant
- 2007/10 - The Japanese Society of Pathology Academic Research Award
- 2005 - The Suhara Memorial Foundation Research Grant
- 2002 - 大阪癌研究会研究助成
- 2000 - 日本宇宙フォーラム地上研究助成
- 1999/09 - The Akiyama Life Science Foundation Young Researcher Prize
- 1997 - 伊藤医薬学術交流財団
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Association Membership(s) (7):
, Cell Stress Society International
, American Association for Cancer Research
, The Japanese Society for Immunology
, The Japanese Society of Pathology
, The Japanese Cancer Association
, Japanese Association of Cancer Immunology
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