J-GLOBAL ID:200901041008840730
Update date: Mar. 21, 2024 Shinagawa Tetuhiko
シナガワ テツヒコ | Shinagawa Tetuhiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www2.itc.kansai-u.ac.jp/~tsina/ Research field (1):
Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (8):
, contemporary philosophy
, imperative of responsibility
, ethic of care
, applied ethics
, foundation of moral
, contemporary philosophy;phenomenology
, foundation of moral;applied ethics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13): - 2009 - 2024 大阪府立大学21世紀科学研究機構、環境哲学・人間学研究所、客員研究員
- 2018 - 2022 科学研究費補助金、基盤研究(S)、尊厳概念のグローバルスタンダードの構築に向けた理論的・概念史的・比較文化論研究
- 2018 - 2020 科学研究費補助金、基盤研究(B)、先端医療分野における欧米の生命倫理政策に関する原理・法・文献の批判的研究
- 2014 - 2017 科学研究費補助金、基盤研究(B)、世界における『患者の権利』に関する原理・法・文献の批判的研究とわが国における指針作成、研究代表者小出泰士
- 2013 - 2017 科学研究費補助金、基盤研究(A)、尊厳概念のアクチュアリティ--多元主義的社会に適切な概念構築に向けて、研究代表者加藤泰史
- 2011 - 2013 科学研究費補助金、基盤研究(B),世界における終末期の意思決定に関する原理・法・文献の批判的研究とガイドライン作成、研究代表者盛永審一郎
- 2009 - 2012 Osaka Prefecture University, Research Instisutes for the Twenty First Century, The Institute for Contemporary Philosophy of Life, Gueset Researcher
- 2008 - 2010 科学研究費補助金、基盤研究(B)、生命・環境倫理における「尊厳」・「価値」・「権利」に関する思想史的・規範的研究、研究代表者盛永審一郎
- 2004 - 日本文化研究センター共同研究、日本の近代化における技術と身体の思想、研究代表者木岡伸夫
- 2001 - 2003 倶進会研究助成、21世紀の大学における”新”教養教育の構築 -教養教育の目標の明確化および継続的改善のための具体的方策の確立、研究代表者札野順
- 2003 - 関西大学重点領域研究助成、現代の倫理的諸課題に対処しうる規範学の再構築、研究代表者品川哲彦
- 1994 - 1995 科学研究費補助金、総合研究(A)、応用倫理学の新たな展開 -倫理学におけるミクロ的視点とマクロ的視点の総合をめざして-、研究代表者佐藤康邦
- 1993 - 1995 科学研究費補助金、一般研究(B)、表現におけるアイコニシティと意味作用、研究代表者金田晋
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Papers (60): -
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. The theory of sympathy/ empathy and care ethics: Slote on "ethics of sympathetic caring". Essays and Studies. 2024. 73. 4. 1-24
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. Environmental justice and ethical thinking: A reply to ”sustainability and human sciences". Essays and Studies. 2023. 73. 1-2. 77-100
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. Hans Jonas on Spinoza. Kyoto University Tetsugaku Ronso Kankoukai, Jahrbuch für Philosophie des tetsugaku-ronso. 2022. 50巻, 1-12頁
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. The fundamental Problem Lies in Mixing of Ontic Thinking in Ontological Thinking: A Reply to Prof. Dr. Todoroki's Comment. Kansai University Society for Ethics, Ethical Studies. 2022. vol. 8, no.1, 107-122頁
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. Intersubjectivity, Living Human Beings, and Heidegger: A Reply to Prof. Dr. Furusho's Comment. Kansai University Society for Ethics, Ethical Studies. 2022. vol. 8, no.1, 95-106頁
more... MISC (27): -
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. Medical practice, nursing, and ethic of care. The Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2023. 57. 9. 1162-1165
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. What a thought is ethic of care?. Miwashoten, The Japanese Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2023. 57. 9. 1063-1067
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. Bookreview ”Caring Planet” written by Kimiyo Ogawa. 2023
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. A reply to my book ”An Introduction to Ethics". Kansai Ethical Society, Annals of Ethical Studies. 2022. 52号、193-194頁
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa. How do we think ethically and conduct?. Diamond publisher, Diamond Quarterly. 2021. 春季号 2021, 4-15頁
more... Books (66): - Human dignity is guarded as if it were wrapped in
Hosei University Press, The Concept of Dignity as a Question 2024 ISBN:9784588151378
- Life and Transcendence: Against Alienation of Life in Discussion of Life
Hosei University Press・ Dignity and Life 2022
- Is the right to suicide a personality right? : the judgment of Germany constitutional supreme court that assisted suicide by business is against constitution
Shibaura Technology University, Anthology on Bioethics and Law of Life 2022
- Bookreview:”The Trial of a Patient with Dementia”、MORINAGA, Shin-ichiro
Dokushojin, Weekly Dokushojin 2021
- Column for guidance to read: Restoration of right to privacy: conflict between freedom and dignity, MIYASHITA, Hiroshi
Hosei University Press, The Concept of Dignity in Eastern Asia 2021
more... Lectures and oral presentations (43): -
Environmet Jusitice and Ethical Thinking
(The Symposium "Sustainability and Knowledge of Humanities, 2022 2023)
Patient Adcocacy from the viewpoint of ethics of care
The politics of being and the politices of absolute nothingness
care relation, plastic self, and caring and life
The status of ethic of care from the viewpoint of a male researcher
more... Works (4): -
The symposium of Kansai Ethical Assocation in 2018
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa, Morita Mime 2019 -
Medieval times as a possibility
Tetsuhiko Shinagawa 2014 -
Workshop: thinking possibility of "Philosophy of life"
Morioka, Masahiro, Shinagawa, Tetsuhiko 2009 -
Welfare as Institution
SHINAGAWA Tetsuhiko, MIZUTANI Masahiko 2005 -
Education (3): - - 1987 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Letters Philosophy
- 1987 - Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Letters Philosophy
- - 1981 Kyoto University Faculty of Literature Philosophy
Professional career (2): - Master of Literature
- Doctor of Philosophy (Literature)
Work history (3): - 1999/04/01 - 2000/03/31 Kansai University/Associate Professor
- 1993/04/01 - 1999/03/31 Hiroshima University/Associate Professor
- 1989/10/11 - 1993/03/31 Wakayama Medical College/Lecturer
Committee career (18): - 2010/11 - 現在 The Kansai Philosophical Association committee member
- 2002/11 - 2023/10 Kansai Ethical Society commitee member
- 2017/11 - 2019/11 The Kansai Ethical Society Chief editor
- 2015/10 - 2019/10 Kansai Ethical Society editorial committee member
- 2011/04 - 2017/03 The Japanese Society for Ethics councilor
- 2013/10 - 2016/10 The Kansai Philosophical Association chief editor
- 2010/10 - 2016/10 Kansai Philosophical Association editorial committee member
- 2011/06 - 2015/05 The Philosophical Association of Japan editorial committee member
- 2012 - 2014 The Japanese Society for Ethics member of committee setting a symposium
- 2010/06 - 2012/05 Japan Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy director
- 2009/10 - 2011/03 The Japanese Society for Ethics member of committee setting a symposium
- 2009 - 2011 The Japanese Society for Ethics executive secretary
- 2008/04 - 2010/05 The Kansai Ethical Society chief editor
- 2006/04 - 2010/05 The Kansai Philosophical Association editorial committee member
- 2007 - 2009 The Japanese Society for Ethics member of executive committee of project
- 2001 - 2003 The Japanese Society for Ethics member of commtee selecting free theme
- 2001 - 2003 The Japanese Society for Ethics member of commtee Watsuji Award
- 2001 - 2003 The Japanese Society for Ethics member of editorial commtee
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Association Membership(s) (7):
the Philosophical Association of Japan
, Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
, Kyoto Association of Jewish Thought
, Kansai Ethical Society
, Kansai Philosophical Association
, the Phenomenological Association of Japan
, the Japanese Society for Ethics
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