J-GLOBAL ID:200901041073610954
Update date: Apr. 25, 2023 OBATAYA EIICHI
オバタヤ エイイチ | OBATAYA EIICHI
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Wood science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2016 - 2017 圧縮木材の衝撃緩衝性
- 2016 - 2017 圧縮木材の衝撃緩衝性
Papers (134): -
Mariani, Giacomo, OBATAYA, EIICHI, Kosaka, Mahiro, Matsuo, Makinori. Design and construction of modern FRP Japanese bows by an inverse modelling approach of the elastica theory. Composite Structures. 2022. 294
小幡谷, 英一. 木の話(第3回)「弾き込むと楽器の音が良くなる」は本当か. サラサーテ. 2022. 105. 29-31
Zhou, Yishan, Matsui, Toshiya, Obataya, Eiichi, Li, Li. Study of the Effects of Cu/Cu-Zn Alloy Components Adjacent to Wood in Historic Architecture: Surface Performance Changes by ArtificialWood Degradation. Coatings. 2022. 12. 3
小幡谷, 英一. 木の話(第2回)木材の「枯らし」について考える. サラサーテ. 2022. 104. 69-71
Popescu, Carmen-Mihaela, Zeniya, Nanami, Endo, Kaoru, Genkawa, Takuma, Matsuo-Ueda, Miyuki, Obataya, Eiichi. Assessment of Structural Differences between Water-Extracted and Non-Extracted Hydro-Thermally Treated Spruce Wood by NIR Spectroscopy. FORESTS. 2021. 12. 12. 1689-1689
more... Books (3): - The Clarinet
アルソ出版 2023
- 木のびっくり話
講談社 2005
- クラリネットリード用葦(Arundo donax L.)材の物性
Lectures and oral presentations (8): -
Degradation at low temperature, ageing and moderate thermal treatment.
(Ecole thématique PLURIBOIS 2019)
Mechanism study foro whitening phenomenon of wood adjacent to copper/Cu-Zn alloy components in the case of wooden cultural properties:changes of physical properties in model experiment
(The 36th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property 2019)
Effects of ageing, seasoning and hygrothermal treatment on the acoustic properties of spruce wood.
(Annual meeting of ALADFI 2018)
(第68回日本木材学会大会 2018)
more... Awards (4): - 2017/10 - Wood Design Award 2017
- 2017/10 - Wood Design Award 2017
- 2017/06 - IUFRO Division 5 IUFRO Division 5 Conference 2017 Poster Award (1st place) Extremely large mechanical loss tangent of compressed wood in the radial direction
- 2017/06 - IUFRO Division 5 IUFRO Division 5 Conference 2017 Poster Award (2nd place) Changes in vibrational properties and color of Sitka spruce wood due to accelerated ageing
Association Membership(s) (2):
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