J-GLOBAL ID:200901042240719269
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 OSUKA NAOKO
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Foreign language education
, English linguistics
Research keywords (9):
, 中間言語語用論
, 第二言語習得論
, 教材開発
, 教授法
, Children's Literature in English
, Material Development
, Teaching Method
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (12): -
OSUKA Naoko. Pragmatic development by Japanese learners of English in a study abroad context. Lancaster University. 2017
OSUKA Naoko. Development of pragmatic routines by Japanese learners in a study abroad context. Current issues in internationl pragmatics. 2017. 275-296
OSUKA Naoko. The speech act of complaint performed by Japanese EFL learners: A pilot study. 2014. 6. 1. 147-165
OSUKA Naoko. Request strategies by Japanese students with study abroad experience. 2013. 5. 1
OSUKA Naoko. A sociocultural perspective on the changes in Japanese college students’ uses of language learning strategies during two transitions. 2011. 3. 1. 1-14
more... MISC (11): -
Effects of a noticing-the-gap activity on production of pragmatic routines. 2023
JACETグローバル人材育成特別委員会 第1班「外部試験大学実態調査班」. 2016
最近の言語学習ストラテジー研究動向. 明治大学国際日本研究. 2010. 2. 27-41
Learning styles and language learning strategies of Japanese EFL college students in the humanities. 明治大学国際日本学研究. 2009. 1. 1. 75-95
ターシャ・テューダー -その作品とライフスタイル-. 秋草学園短期大学紀要. 2007. 24. 1-15
more... Books (5): - Effects of speech act on learners' pragmatic development in s study abroad context
Kazama Shobo 2019
- 大学英語教育の担い手に関する総合的研究
- Development of pragmatic routines by Japanese learners in a study abroad context
John Benjamins 2017
- 英語教師のための「学習ストラテジー」ハンドブック
大修館書店 2006
- 言語学習と学習ストラテジー
リーベル出版 2005
Lectures and oral presentations (18): -
The effect of explicit pragmatic instruction on production of pragmatic routines
(18th IPrA Conference 2023)
Effects of a noticing activity on production of pragmatic routines
(9th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication 2022)
Pragmatic features of Japanese rReturnees’ Sspeech act performance in English
(56th RELC International Conference 2022 2022)
Foreign Language or Lingua Franca: Examination of the Application of Research Outcomes to Language Education Through Pragmatics
(JACET関東支部大会 2021)
Effects of speech act on learners' pragmatic development in a study abroad context
(17th IPrA Conference 2021)
more... Education (3): - 2011 - 2017 Lancaster University
- 1992 - 1994 Manhattanville College
- 1975 - 1979 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language
Professional career (1): - Ph.D. (Lancaster University)
Awards (1): - 2022/08 - 大学英語教育学会(JACET) 大学英語教育学会褒賞 優秀賞
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