J-GLOBAL ID:200901042548434940
Update date: Jun. 06, 2020 Nakamura Yukio
ナカムラ ユキオ | Nakamura Yukio
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Executive Director
Research field (3):
Nuclear fusion
, Basic plasma science
, Applied plasma science
Research keywords (4):
, プラズマ科学
, Nuclear Fusion
, Plasma Science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2002 - 2008 長時間放電における不純物挙動と制御
- 2002 - 2008 Impurity behaviour and control in long pulse discharges
- 1998 - 2008 LHD定常プラズマ特性に関する研究
- 1998 - 2008 Study on Plasma Properties in LHD Steady State Plasma
- 1998 - 2004 ダイバータ粒子制御用メンブレンポンプの開発研究
- 1998 - 2004 LHD定常運転における能動的粒子制御法の開発研究
- 1998 - 2004 Development of Membrane Pumping System for Particle Control in Divertor
- 1998 - 2004 Research and Development of Active Particle Control Method in Steady State Operation of LHD
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Education (4): - - 1980 The University of Tokyo
- - 1980 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science Physics
- - 1975 Tohoku University Faculty of Science Department of Physics
- - 1975 Tohoku University Faculty of Science Physics
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (8): - 2017 - 現在 The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Executive Director
- 1996 - 2017 National Institute for Fusion Science
- 1990 - 1996 Kyushu University
- 1990 - 1996 Kyushu University, Professor
- 1981 - 1990 Kyushu University
- 1981 - 1990 Kyushu University, Assistant Professor
- 1980 - 1981 Kyushu University
- 1980 - 1981 Kyushu University, Research Assistant
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